(no subject)

May 09, 2006 02:15

So it's been a while (why does that word look funny) anywho, my dress is coming along lovely. (I have to say that since I'm the one making it, hehe) Anywho, this is one that I will be selling. Unlike the last one I made, hehe. My cousins decided not to go to the anime convention with me this year so it'll be me and my mom again! oh yay (note the sarcasm) I'm not really bothered by the fact that they're not going it's just that I bought the fabric for the outfit Skyee wanted the day before she told me she wasn't going to go. Now, this may seem like nothing but in reality this is something very very very big. It was at the same time that I received this fabric that my okaa-san spent over $80 in, get this, LACE! That's right lace. And no she wasn't to happy about it either, oh the joy.

On another note: I found the shoes that I have been looking for since I wanna say forever but it's only really been since I started getting into the loli fashion. Unfortunately I can't get them because of the brands name (it's Demonia) and why in the world would I want to walk around with Demon on my feet? So I have to see if I can get some shoe maker to make me some, which will probably waaaaay expensive. But hey, it's always easier to spwnd someone elses money ^.^

So that should last a while! I'm off to watch Shimotsuma Monogatari (Yay! I learned how to spell it!)

Wish me luck! (Why? I dunno. Just do it. Sweet Lolita)
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