Wow, i heard that you were spreading rumors about people.. that really aren't true...why if someone tells you not to say anything you do? even if it's not true, or about them... cus i know one girl... and she did tell you something about her friend, and now she's hearing from a bunch of people that YOU told them SHE did it.. it's really not cool... i'm not doing this to like be a total bitch, but cus it's not really nice, i dont see the point in spreading rumors... i'm doing this to tell you to stop, it's really not cool....
ok whoever this is...please tell me cuz i don't try to spread rumors about people...just maybe it was a misunderstanding or something i don't know...but there r alot of rumors goign around about me 2, and i know it sucks so i know how it feels. like i don't want anyone to think that i do cuz i don't intentionly do it...thank you for telling me but please don't do it annoyomusly because i would rahter work things out face to face or whatever...
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