I understood maybe the first quarter of that post. xD However, that might just be the fact that I've never really watched Yu-gi-oh or Yu-yu-Hakusho, and haven't seen/played Pokemon in, gads, YEARS. -showing her age-
But internet?! Now _there's_ a happy prospect. You shall have to AIM/YIM me sometime, or I shall feel unlov-ed and lonely. T.T And it shall be your fault. Indeed. =P J/K.
I tried to download AIM, and it died. My computer completely dies (as in 'fatal error, your computer will now stab itself in the eye and hope it hits the brain') when I run YIM. So right now all I have is MSN. @-@ And it sucks (not MSN, the fact that that's all I have). And hey, I know some kids who -never- played pokemon. I just have obsessive tendencies. and you know what? You need to get on Furcadia. =P
EXACTLY!! Fox-bot needs to die. Funimation isn't too much better, but at least it has semi-appropriate dub voices and puts the uncut dub and original Japanese on the DVDs. Unlike 4Kids, who probably dumped the Japanese track in the garbage disposal and just had the voice actors say what they thought was appropriate/funny/going on. ><; Is that One Piece being bastardized in the comic?
Comments 4
But internet?! Now _there's_ a happy prospect. You shall have to AIM/YIM me sometime, or I shall feel unlov-ed and lonely. T.T And it shall be your fault. Indeed. =P J/K.
and you know what? You need to get on Furcadia. =P
I think this comic basically hits the nail on the head: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=145
Is that One Piece being bastardized in the comic?
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