This episode picks up where the Chef/Joseph confrontation left off last ep.
Chef says "Fuck the cameras."
After an intense stare down Joseph removes himself and trips on his way out! What an arrogant ass. I mean how many people actually get to be on Hell's Kitchen? I'm glad he's gone.
But Chef's not done and he sends Tony home.
Now to even things out Robert joins the men's team.
I love Dave.
2:05AM wake up call!
Why do some chefs report with their jackets? Ha!
It's firefighter feeding time!
The Teamwork Challenge.
Use all the ovens Andy!
Random firefighter: "How hard is it to make bread?" Ha!
With Ariel's assistance the ladies get their garlic bread out.
Dave cooks with a beanie, how sexy!
The Red team sends food out but there's nothing going out of Blue.
But it finally gets down to the wire.
Rock that sweater JP!
Robert's got hustle!
Finally the ladies win something! It's a spa day!
The boys have to clean firetrucks.
Jim: "Don't forget to ask them to peel that hair off your upper lip!"
Dave hurts his hand. Aw baby you don't have to be a tough guy.
Kevin hurts his ankles going up the stairs.
So Dave and Kevin are off to the hospital and the boys have nothing but expletives as they leave.
Dave has a fracture and a torn ligament and Kevin has a boot and an air cast.
At tonite's dinner service two people have to serve. In a smart move Dave volunteers right away and Chef chooses Lovely.
Robert (about Van): "That guy's a pitbull on a chain.
Tennille fails at scallops and starts a grease fire. This puts the girls behind.
Lovely is not doing too well as a server.
Amanda can't do math. Gimpy Kevin flies!
Robert forgets a salmon and causes the boys to finish last.
It's the first complete dinner service!
The comment cards send the ladies into the hot seat and Chef has Ariel nominate. She chooses Lovely and Tennille.
It's the freebie show and no one goes home.
Chef Ramsey has the last word: "I'm nobody's bitch!".