Just got home from the talent show. It was alright. Alot of rather boring stuff but Patrick's song was great so that made up for it all. Got a shiny medal 'cause I kick ass at latin. Today was fun. Hugged Brendan liek a bazillion tiems for no reaosn whatsoever. It was great.
Its my birhtday and I am bored beyond reasoning! I have been online almost all day except for when I ate dinner and walked to the video store but otherwise yeah. I am REALLY bored.
So yeah today was amazing. I went downtown with some people and we hung out at Water Tower and such. All I have to say is eyeshadow, scarves, skirts, femme boost, and fast spinning doors. Yep. Only one person who reads this will understand that which is entertaining.
So anywoh, things are slightly better for no reason other than deciding to be completely indifferent to the world. I think thats the best approach. I forget exactly what they said but its pretty similar to Kat and Bri's thoery. So yeah.
Just when life is looking up I totally screw myself over. Huzzah. Please don't ask I won't be explaining anytime soon.
Ok so people who are goign Belmont and Clarking with me over break, call me. I think we'll take the south shore up at like 11:30 and then I know how to get there. We coudl probably go next friday...