i'm more than just an option

Jun 03, 2010 15:52

Just thought I would quote somebody that spoke the absolute truth.

amaranth9 @ gleeclub in the "Funk" discussion entry

"Wow. I found this episode really enjoyable in all it's wacky, wtf-ness glory. I really think some people are taking this too seriously.

I don't understand how Jesse came to be so big to so many, since we don't even know that much about him and he wasn't even around that much. I honestly think a lot of people conflate him with Groff. But whatever, I understand that it's personal preference and YMMV, etc. Still, how can anyone claim that this episode was "character assassination"? A) As I said, how much do we even know of him as a character to even make this determination? B) People are complicated and will do things/have traits we don't like or understand. C) It was one freaking episode! It may be explained later. D) You can clearly tell that Jesse was reluctant to set Rachel up and was angry AT HIMSELF for going through with it. I think peer pressure, a sense of not being accepted by the rest of ND and his drive to win and be the best at performing, and possibly something else that we do not yet know about have to do with the situation.

Also, I LOVED the scene with Quinn and Mercedes. Simple, effective, sweet. I do think racial commentary was an undertone to the scene, along with the usual fare of generally feeling different/like an outsider while growing up. Something was illuminated for Quinn because of what she is experiencing as a young, single, pregnant girl. I appreciate that the show went there. I think the sense that race may be involved might confuse/anger some people, and sure it can be explained but I personally FELT it without explanation and loved it, IDGAF. A connection was made, some understanding shared, and THAT is what is important. But then I see so many comments still hating on Mercedes, as if any character is perfect, and it makes me sad. Okay, she doesn't float your boat as much as another character but really? What she did was awesome and if Quinn thinks so then I am happy.

Basically I don't get the whiplash in this fan community. We don't want the writers to cater to fans but we complain if they do or don't. We know that the recap in the beginning of the episodes sometimes pick up on things from several episodes back, and even then continuity isn't this show's calling card but freak out if all isn't explained right now, in one episode, on camera. We love how cracky! the show can be while having heart and drama but get all "eww this is sooo creepy" or "they had to ruin the moment" and SRS BSNS about it, even when the cracky! elements of the show are often just an entertaining set up/dressing for the moments that matter (ie. Quinn singing about something deeper and the rest of the club feeling it when she is surrounded by pregnant back-up dancers). We don't want bland, one-dimensional characters but if a character goes against some notion in our minds of what they must be like --even though it makes them more human and complex, and, hello, people sometimes act out-of-character in real life-- all of a sudden it's character assassination and "OMG I HATE YOU NOW" or "I lost all respect for (fill in character here) after that."

I know some of this may be internet speak, but it makes me wonder how much people view things as black/white, or how old people here are and how much experience they have with relationships in general. Take Finn last week. Homophobia or any other prejudicial/hateful ideology isn't like some incurable disease category that people get boxed into like there was a "before" and "after." People learn these behaviors and ways of thinking and they can be worked on, analyzed, deconstructed, and unlearned, or at least restricted and resisted. It is like adding/subtracting layers of clothing or building/taking down a wall brick by brick.

This is long, it's probably too late to post anyway and I don't mean to be on a high horse or attack. I just needed to rant. I love discussing meta stuff even for a show like Glee, but lately discussion here has been more like favorite character wars or something. I guess I just miss how fun these posts were in the beginning... (Well they are still amusing, but less lighthearted and aware of the big-picture). As ND realized, sometimes we don't always get what we want, but I think we might find we get what we need."

Wow! How can one simple post invigorate you so much?
I can't wait for the season finale on Tuesday! ♥♥♥

By the way, school's out! Let summer vacation begin!
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