So. I just got home. I know, it’s three in the morning. Well it’s a long story. But it’s not that long.
So this morning (well, two o clock-ish…) I call Daniel, thinking we’re gonna go to his house and watch a movie today, but he tells me he’s going to Erin’s(sp?) house to hang out, cause he hasn’t seen him in forever, so I get kind of annoyed and mildly bitch at him. Not too much, but a little.
Later (3:45 ish) Ariel calls to talk about finding DDF pieces, and she comes over to my house, where I present to her, a duet from The Waiting Room, a readers theatre from The Waiting Room, and a bookful of absolutely BEAUTIFUL DI material. We practice the duet and the rt a few times, switching roles, reading for different things, seeing where we best fit and trying to think who we could cast in the other roles, and then we go to her house. By this time it’s a bit after six. We sit in her room for almost an hour shrieking with laughter about “applaud yourself! Greet the day! (hello day, I’m here!) Meet yourself! Revisit Nature! (which apparently resides in Ariel’s bathroom) And spontaneous synchronized busting-into-song. Then we go get pizza and go downstairs to watch Coach Carter, where her 26 year old half brother Tim joins us and we spend a quite jolly time watching the movie.
Then Daniel gets home. He, Ariel, Tim and I all hang out downstairs for a bit, with lots of witty banter which, in other company may have been more offensive, and some kissing between me and Daniel which Ariel quickly stopped, saying “EWWW! IKKY!” Exunt Kai and Daniel to go return a movie, and meet up with Erin at blockbuster. Once there, we comment on all the movies and pick the first DVD of the L-word, because, as I told them, it has lesbians. The three of us are all very okay with lesbians. It is about ten thirty at this point.
We go to Erin’s house to watch the L-word, which we do, and generally have a jolly time for the next… oh… three and a half hours. Around two thirty, there are no more episodes to be watched, and Daniel walks me home. Apparently, there are MANY detours on the way to my house. Moreso at three in the morning. Because, at three in the morning there is an odd sort of privacy from knowing that no one is going to see you. Or even if they do, they’re not gonna be anyone you know, and they’re sure as hell not gonna care what you’re doing. We arrive at my house half an hour later (it’s less than a 10 minute walk if you have somewhere to be) where I very reluctantly go inside… because, it’s three in the morning, and I’m a bit worried that my dad won’t be too pleased with me. Luckily for me, I come in, say hi, and go upstairs without trouble. I consider myself lucky as I brush my teeth, wash my face, change into pajamas and fall into bed. Then I realize my laptop is still in my bed, so I take it out and type this post to all of you. Because I love you, and you deserve to know what’s going on in my life, because it is important.
Right now, I'm sitting here writing this and getting a very... everything is falling into place feeling.
So yeah. Good day.