So this one time I stole a survey from Jenna...

Jul 26, 2004 15:40

Name: Lauren
Birth date: February 22nd 1989
Current Occupation: I eat a lot. So just call me a taste tester.
Current Location: Computer room. Next to my bathroom?
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: medium brown
Height: 5'-5'1ish, i'll just take the 5'1.
Righty or Lefty: Lefty
Zodiac Sign: pices
Layer 2:
Your heritage: 90% Sicilian 10% Irish.
The shoes you wore today: Eh, my blue converse.
Your weaknesses: not being able to go up 4 flights of stairs with out being completely winded, or fall over and croking. i don't even smoke...
Your fears: spiders, clowns, planes, small spaces, birds, fish.
Your perfect pizza: just cheese, or broccli and cheese...but i usualy just take everything off...hide it under the table for my dog, and eat the dough and sauce.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Pass my Earth Science Regents...sounds good to me.
Layer 3:
Your most overused phrase on AIM: "hahah" "lol"
Your thoughts first waking up: Am I late? Can i sleep 5 more minutes?
Your best physical feature: my feet. hahaha
Your bedtime: Um, when I'm extremely tired!
Worst feeling: Someone being upset, and realize there's nothing i can do to help them...
Layer 4:
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King, Rhonald McDonald scares the crap out of me!
Single or group dates: Wouldn't know!
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Shorts or jeans: Jeans
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Band-aid or leave it be: Band-aids make me feel bad ass :0\
Layer 5:
Smoke: Disgusting.
Cuss: Sometimes. Not often.
Sing: I'm the next Celien Dion.
Have a crush: Of Course. Aaron Carter and I are dating. And I said that with a complete straight face!
Do you think you've been in love: My carlos and I are the best kind of love there is.
Want to go to college: of course.
Like high school: Psht, who am I kidding, I love it! That's why I'm in summer school! Duh. I hate it so much...
Want to get married: When I'm old. haha
Believe in yourself: eh, sometimes.
Get motion sickness: bus rides, car rides...pull the car over.
Think you're attractive: no, no, no
Think you're a health freak: not at all. only sometimes.
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Play an instrument: yes
Layer 6:
Drank alcohol: yes
Done a drug: no
Gone to the mall: my other home!
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: probably, with the garbage disposal i have put in my body...i don't doubt it!
Eaten sushi: yes, it's kinda salty :0\
Been on stage: yes
Gone skating: yes...fallen on my butt more than 38943 times...that's a positive!
Made homemade cookies: yes, last night, and burned them. :0) i still ate them, just a little crispy ;0)
Gone skinny dipping: ha, yes.
Dyed your hair: nope.
Stolen anything: Only every time I go by the candy section in Tops/Wegmans. I tell every that's watching me "i'm only taste testing" ha
Layer 7:
Played a game that required removal of clothing: that's a negative.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: that's a 10-4.
Been caught "doing something": What the F' did i actualy "do"...nerdddd
Been called a tease: nope
Gotten beaten up: hm, never actualy fist fight. but before my high school career is over, i want too. ashley deflippo, here's your chance...come get me you lawn nome!
Layer 8:
Age you hope to be married: late 20's early 30's.
Numbers and Names of Children: 2-3, boys, I like Luke, Logan, Jamie. girls, I like Mae, Haley, Genna, and Madison.
Describe your dream wedding: Outside. maybe. Church?
How do you want to die: in my sleep. happy.
What country would you most like to visit: Italy, Australia, France. 
Layer 9:
Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
Number of people I could trust with my life: um, a few i guess.
Number of CDs that I own: to many.
Number of piercings: 3
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times I lied: my little brother two seconds ago. telling him that i ripped up all of his yu-gio cards. because i hate them haha.
Number of scars on my body: between 10-15! i'm disgusting.
Number of things in my past that I regret: no regrets :)
Last Cigarette: never. proud? i know.
Last Alcoholic Drink: hm, saturday...a warm day when i was laying out with my mom. wine coolers. i'm a bad ass! haha
Last Car Ride: To wegmans.
Last Kiss: well, my little brother dave, for beating a level on ps2 for him. haha
Last Good Cry: hm, i'm not sure?
Last Library Book checked out: now that i'm banned from the library for not bringing my Janis Jopplin, and rock n' roll books back, i don't think i'll be going there anymore...
Last book bought: 5 people you meet in heaven, the da vinci code, perks of being a walflower.
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Anchorman, simply hilarious.
Last Book Read: haha, well i read while i'm in the bathroom occationaly, so i just got done going to the bathroom...and i read some field hockey magazine.
Last Cuss Word Uttered: Shut up. because that's a cuss word to me.
Last Beverage Drank: a cool-aid jammer!
Last Food Consumed: a salad, with croutons, chicken, little bacon bits, fungus mushrooms that i took out, and onions that i discarded too. good salad though!
Last Crush: i don't remember...but i do have a huge one on brad pitt! <3
Last Phone Call: um, my sister.
Last TV Show Watched: Full House
Last Time Showered: last night.
Last CD Played: Oh Mae <3
Last Item Bought: Grande, Carmel Machiado. Extra Carmel!
Last Download: I don't download stuff?
Last Annoyance: The huge grass stain I got in my pjs.
Last Disappointment: Not attending the Mae show. 
Last Thing Written: show.
Last Key Used: W
Last Words Spoken: can you please get me my slippers.
Last Sleep: um, last night?
Last IM: Jenna and Justin.
Last Sexual Fantasy: haha
Last Weird Encounter: A kid on another bus from summer school, leaving his number on the window for me to call him. No thank you! :0)
Last Ice Cream Eaten: aww snap. last night!
Last Time Amused: When I did a backbend, and stood up from it!
Last Time In love: I've never been in "love"...besides with Justin Fenske ;0) <33333
Last Time Hugged: Two seconds ago.
Last Time Scolded: Dogs get scolded. Not humans. hahaha
Last Time Resentful: not sure?
Last Chair Sat In: this one.
Last Lipstick Used: snow white chapstick!
Last Underwear Worn: my justin timberlake ones yo!
LastShirt Worn: The Goonies.

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