HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL!!!!!!!! i dont really have much else to update. read an awwweeesommmmme book called Second Helpings. i really recommend it. ~Pinkchampagne53~
christmas was awesome. slept over my cousins house two days in a row. since we were in west bloomfield, sevan stopped by, i was so happy. i soooo want to see sevan and nat this week
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after two hours of shopping at sears, i finally picked out PERFECT jeans. levis, bootcut, sits below the waist. i love them, they are very comfy. we also got a couple presents for my cousins. im sleeping over my cousin's house today and in the morning we are cooking a hell of a lot for christmas dinner tomorrow.
was on aim for the very first time in a WHILE. ive been aim for 7 hours and 40 minutes now and i am very proud of myself (although part of that time i was on away). my fingers have definitely learned how to type faster
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omg, i just watched the Skeleton Key. the movie is awesome! the ending is very unexpected, i think anyway. i loved it. i definitely recommend it. christmas break is in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sings jingle bells* ~Pinkchampagne~
there is a hell of a lot of snow outside. will we even have school tomorrow??? its supposed to snow until midnight. pray, people, pray! ~Pinkchampagne~