Apparently I'm going for a steak of crazy-dream filled nights.
Tonight started out with the band again, but this time it was the entire band (without Hallie), and we were in our uniforms, on a boat or in some transport, going to war. Our hats and instruments were replaced by swords and riffles, and I still don't know who we were going to fight. But once we got there, we sort of walked through the other army, checking them out before fighting, and I was singing 'All You Need Is Love.' I like how I'm ironic even in my dreams. Anyway, some general from the other side, who I'll call the Communists since they were in red uniforms, claimed to be able to beat us with just a few of her 'special soldiers,' one of which cut this wire that was apparently holding up a tree and it fell and killed a couple of people...though I don't know from which army. I assumed a few from both. Then everyone moved into this huge hotel-ish building to begin the war while Dan, a few from our side (I think Travis was included there) and myself stayed back. Dan and the others went to cut down the rest of the trees before they could do more damage, and I went into the hotel. By then it was sort of deserted, with everyone having moved off to fight around the area, but there were a couple Reds sniping out of a window at the very end, so I took cover and shot them in the head...really weird...and then the hotel/corridor caught fire. Anyway, I ended up saving Madame Kaushal (a civilian living in the hotel), someone on my side, and a wounded Red soldier who happened to be JP's little sister. Flippin Trippy. After that we all sat outside on a stone wall in front of the burning hotel, which became a sort of refuge for the injured. Then my dream switched to trying to catch a mass murderer who was, once caught, tied up/restrained with glow sticks. Then finally the dream morphed into my aunt trying to steal a bunch of money with a trick safe.
I don't know where my mind has been lately.
Ray's party was the shit. I'm going to need a copy of the technoified Complicated by Avril Lavigne. That song is awesome in its ridiculousness.