Give me all your poison and Give me all your pills Give me all your hopeless hearts that make me ill

Jun 22, 2005 23:38

.:[About Yourself]:.
What's your FULL name? heather dawn moyer
How old are you? 16
Where do you live? lynchburg, vA
Who do you live with? my mom, dad, lil cousin, 2 fish, cat, dog, and turtle.
Eye color? hazel
Hair color? dark brown
Zodiac sign? leo
What's your style? you tell me
Have any tattoos? not yets
Have any piercings? 4 stretched in my ears
Boyfriend/Girlfriend? umm, yeah, hahaha
Own a thong? haha what the hell
.:[Have you ever]:.
Swam in the ocean? yeah
Cried at school? kinda
Ran Away? nope
Pictured your crush naked? haha who doesnt?
Broken someone's heart? he tells me i still do
Skipped school? yeah
Been in love? who knows
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have? Zachy from A7X rocked life for a while there
Smoked a cigarette? yeah
Smoked pot? nope
Drank so much you threw-up? haha yeah and it sucked
Kissed two people at once? nope
Had sex? yeah
Been rejected? yeah
Rejected someone? yeah
Used someone? probably haha, well. i mean, i dont like to think of it as USING but yeah
Been called a tease? yeah
Done something you regret? yeah
Not done something and regret it now? yes
Stole something from an actual store? yeah
Drove in a car with alcohol? yeah
Drove in a car when the driver was drunk? yeah
Ever been chased by the cops? umm...i think so
.:[Last Person...]:.
You thought about: Zach
You touched: Jessie
You Yelled at: hmm, probably Jessie
You IMed: Zach
You texted: phone is out
You hugged: Kenny
You talked to: Jessie & Kenny
Who told you they loved you: Zach
You told you loved them: Zach
You cried to: wow...probably Kyle if anyone
You cried over: diddo
You went out to dinner with: Jessie
You watched a movie with: Jessie---we are fags together so you should know we do everything together haha
.:[Do you..]:.
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call? if i go outside i take a phone because im out for like 2 hours so if that counts then sure
Save AIM conversations? if its really funny i will
Wish you were somewhere else? hehe yeah
Wish you were someone else? nope
Swear? yeah
Smoke cigarrettes? nah
Do drugs? nope
Drink alcohol? sometimes
Wear cologne/perfume? on a bad day haha
Like to cuddle? depends with who
Like to kiss? yeah
Go online for more then three hours straight? during summer at night
Fall for people easily? kinda. met Scottie once and love the guy to death. some more than others i guess
Get emotionally attached easily? depends with who and what kind of friendship we have. relationships---yeah. guys i like---yeah.
Wear a seat belt? usually.
Like to dance? gay dancing to embarrass whoever im with.
Color: not sure anymore. seems like everyone else loves green these days. but i still love it and black.
Food: strawberries
Ice Cream: chocolate chip
Band: dont have a fav--but right now i fancy MCR
Song: uhh i dont know
Music video: Foo Fighters--Forever Long because its awesome. Or Thriller by MJ
Tv show: Law & Order or Avatar: the Last Air Bender
Jackass character: Chris
Random artist or Band no one has heard about: uhh. i think everyone i know knows of at least 1 band i like.
Non-alcohlic Drink: smoothies and strawberry dacquiries
Alcohlic Drink: any "bitch drinks" haha but beer is okay i guess
Disney Movie: Lion King probably
Video Game: hmm...not sure
Makes you smile? everyone
Makes you laugh? probably everyone because some people i laugh at their jokes just to be nice and some people i laugh because they are funny. im really giggly anyways
Has it easier; girls or guys? uhhh. probably guys
Gives you butterflies? haha. not really anyone
Makes you want to kill someone? hmmm, Bobby, Jordan Smith, Becca, Murph...
Makes you want to throw-up a little in your mouth? haha, Jessie
Who makes you act shy? new people that i like a lot
Who can you always be yourself around? my friends or people i will never see again
.:[What do you like in a guy/girl?]:.
Blondes or Brunettes? dark hair or crazy dyed hair on some guys
Scruffy or clean shaven? scruffy because im not clean lol
Hott or nice? hmmm...depends how mean the hott guy is.
Tall or short? taller than me--not picky.
Piercings? um, not picky. i like kissing guys with lip rings though.
Tattoos? doesnt matter--but i like a lot
Best personality trait? humor---i love guys that have a big sense of humor; especially a morbid one at that. i hate guys that are ALWAYS serious.
Slut or Virgin? virgin
Would you date someone younger? yes!
Would you date someone older? yes
Preppy or punk? dont care. labels are gay.
.:[At this moment]:
Wearing? pjs
Mood? hiped up because Jess and me were fighting again haha, BITCH LOSTTTT!!!
Listening to? My Chemical Romance
Eating? for once, nothing, lol.
Watching? computer
Thinking? "he is too cute
Doing? this survey and fighting da skank (Jessie)
.:[Just answer]:.
Where were you last week? Lynchburg
What love scene would you like to act out? hmm, thats a good question. probably the ones i daydream and make up
What sex scene would you like to act out? hahaha TEAM AMERICA!!! i dont, haha.
Where do you want to live? in a big city
Last time you showered? like 3 or so days ago
Last time you brushed you teeth? today actually--surprizing
What did you eat for breakfast? oatmeal
Best halloween costume? a frog suit--your head is in the frogs mouth so you paint your face black and put big white cups on your eyes and pretend your a frog that just ate a fly. yeah, i like that one.
Worst? dressing normal
What posters are in your room? Exploited, cd poster, Give Em the Boot III, collages of bands, Rancid, Sex Pistols, Distillers, And The Sky Went Red, Cradle of Filth, a clown, and an oil panting
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