She had a feeling that her decaf coffee tasted different today. That feeling was confirmed as soon as she saw the teacher’s lounge starting to melt and turn into strange colors. That‘s never a good sign - she needed to lie down.
However, as she was leaving, she saw a very familiar face, one that she didn’t expect to see in this school. It was a purple porcupine, wearing a very fashionable black suit and a scarf to boot.
“…Label?” Sable asked, bemused.
“Oh, don’t even say that, Mabel. It’s Labelle,” the purple porcupine sneered. “Do you want to go back in time, Babel?”
Sable could only stare at the porcupine, puzzled as ever.
“Let’s go back in time, Table. Let’s go faaaar back in time, back to when Mom and Dad died. Let’s see that moment again! And again! And again!!” ‘Labelle’ grabbed Sable’s hand. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
“What…? No, I’m not going with you!”
‘Labelle’ gave her sister a dirty look, before shoving her. “Hmph, I knew you would say that, Fable. How can I even be related to such a fun sucker like you?” Then, she disappeared.
…what was…that all about? Whatever it was, it was a sure sign that she had to get to a safe place. Maybe the nurse’s room was the best choice? Something seriously wrong was going on, so maybe the nurse might be able to help. Still, the words that Labelle had said stuck to her. It was very hard not to think about it. That soon came to pass as soon as she saw a smaller blue porcupine right in the middle of the hallway.
“Mabel? What are you doing here?” Sable asked, hesitant.
“I’m so…alone...” Mabel murmured, not even acknowledging her sister. “The human boy and girl haven’t been around for months…all of the flowers are dead…there are so many weeds…everyone’s moved away…Bluebear’s gone…Margie’s gone…Otis’s gone…even Tom Nook’s gone…”
“Oh my goodness…” Sable stared at Mabel in shock. She had no idea that Smashville had been so worn down in such a short time. “I…”
“I’m so alone…and it’s all your fault. It’s all your fault. It’s all your fault! IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!” Mabel screamed, completely hysterical. Then, she started to sink down into the floor.
“How could it be my fault?! Stop it, Mabel, please!” Sable shouted back, trying to get a hold of Mabel before she disappeared too. That was it - that was all she could take. She simply sat down in the middle of the hallway, trying to block out her sister’s screams.
[Meanwhile, in reality, Sable wandered out of the teacher's lounge, paused, then ran down the hallway and sat down right in the middle of it, pleading to some pencil that someone dropped.]