hussy-pants: this is the convient nickname that tanya dubbed on the new girl, catherine, who is trying to be a whore inside our church circle. tanya has a special vendetta for this girl because she was all over Jay (tanya's serious boyfriend, they are almost married type deal) and she didnt care that when riding Jay's motorcycle she was even wearing Tanya's helmet. she has also made out with a guy from church already...after knowing him two days and yet...still a little bit on the hated side. Hussy-pants also pissed off brittney by saying that she was anne frank in the diary of anne frank and brittney jokingly said, "as opposed to the other anne frank" who hussy-pants then said "well there are other virsions...SOME people know the difference." what a hussy-pants. our appartment does not like this girl and we have decided that although we do not ban her from apartment number 146 she is not invited over. BOOO you HUSSY-PANTS!
anticrush: well just last night we were sitting around and talking about everyones first elementry crush, and i realized...i didnt like boys. yup, i didnt like boys until like high school when i met mr. perfect (aaron waites) hahahaha. so anyways i said this part and then i added that in elementry school tho, i did have an anticrush. out of all the boys in the universe (or at least at morris) i liked scott mixeil the least. i thought of all the boys, please dont let him like me...he was my anticrush.
what? hocake? this is a term of endearment in apartment 146. not to be confused with hobag, which is a very mean thing stil...cakes are sweet so if you get a hocake from a girl living here, you should be very honored.
crotch crease. I know this one has the very bad word of crotch in it but let me explain. its as simple as this. its the only spot left of soft fur on my tiger stuffed animal, on the crease where the leg meets the body. :)
elixer of life: this is what i fondly refer to my Dr. Pepper as. I know that i probably shouldn't be drinking it but on days when things are just going tuff and i need an all around pick me up, i drink a glass of my elixer of life and i get my smile on. tanya is somewhat considering this title for Dr.Pepper since she feels somewhat similar when it comes to this beverage.
with these words now defined you will have no problem understanding all of the jargon that goes down in the apartment 146. love you all!