Sep 29, 2006 21:44
standing on the fringes of life
offers a unique perspective;
but there comes a time to see what
it looks like from the dance floor
Sep 27, 2006 20:16
i really like dance lessons.
& evian water.
& kevin :]
he's the best.
oh & cant forget my friends.
i think its pretty damn funny
that people think i talk shit about them.
in case they havent noticed;
i have a life
& i really do not need to waste my time
talking about them.
Sep 26, 2006 19:30
i wish i was 4 again.
or maybe i could just skip ahead to when i'm married.
i get sad easily lately.
mad even easily-er.
it pretty much sucks.
keep me in a good mood please?
tara is my hero.
keeps me happy no doubt.
even if she does think i'm a slut.
we're gangster sluts.
makes it all so much better.
later haters.
Sep 21, 2006 21:58
"Because if you don't fight, you don't care at all."
Sep 20, 2006 21:49
nothing to do.
nothing to say.
Sep 19, 2006 21:38
Well I dont know what Ive been told
You never slow down, you never grow old
Im tired of screwing up, Im tired of goin down
Im tired of myself, Im tired of this town
Sep 18, 2006 22:21
it's called trust.
school = hate hate hate
me = sad sad sad
whatever i'm going to bed.
lets pray i dont wake up.
Sep 16, 2006 09:23
people are retarted.
especially girls.
hate them allll.
you girls who think your all that
should prolly read my blog on myspace
the DOA one
some people just need to get over theirselves.
please God
make high school better
than this