transvestites are lovebrought to you by the
isLove Generator -- Name: Jamie Michelle Refenes
-- Birth date: June 11th, 1986
-- Nickname: Pinkie, James Micheal
-- Current Location: Hendersonville, North Carolina
-- Eye Color: Brown
-- Hair Color: Right now, brownish red.
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty sometimes bothy (I write with my right, but do a lot of everything else with my left).
-- Zodiac Sign: Gemini
-- The shoes you wore today: Pink and Black Vans
-- Your weakness: I get jealous kind of easily, and I don't like that but I can't help it.
-- Your fears: Spiders, Clowns!
-- Your perfect pizza: No cheese with eggplant
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: I want to go to college to become a mortican and eventually open my own funeral home. I want to get married and start a family, preferably in NYC.
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: Hello
-- Your thoughts when you first wake up: Damn, the night went by fast
-- Your best physical feature: guys say breasts, i say my eyes
-- Your bedtime: Usually around 12:30
-- Most missed memory: Not really a memory, but I never really had grandparents that treated me like I was a granddaughter
-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King, McDonalds has nothing vegaterian, even their fries have meat
-- Adidas or Nike: Vans! or Kangaroos.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: Dark Chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
-- Smoke: No
-- Cuss: Hell fucking shit no!
-- Sing: When no one is around
-- Take a shower everyday: Yes
-- Have a crush(es): Not really
-- Do you think you've been in love: I am right now.
-- Want to go to college: I'm in college now
-- Like(d) high school: It had it's good moments and bad
-- Want to get married: Most Def.
-- Believe in yourself: Sure, if you want me too...?
-- Get motion sickness: No, never have.
-- Think you're attractive: I've seen more attractive people...
-- Think you're a health freak: I used to be and I'm starting to become one again.
-- Get along with your parents: Not as well I used to...
-- Play an instrument: flute, piccolo, guitar, piano and bass
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: No
-- Smoked: No
-- Done a drug: No.
-- Had Sex: ...
-- Made Out: Yes
-- Gone on a date: Yes!
-- Gone to the mall?: YES!
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Eck, no
-- Eaten sushi: I have but I didn't like it, it was vegaterian tho
-- Been on stage: Yes, yes of course
-- Been dumped: Yes, unfortunitaly
-- Gone skating: Hell yes.
-- Made homemade cookies: Yes!
-- Gone skinny dipping: *giggle* Yes!
-- Dyed your hair: Oh god, of course. Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Hot Pink, Magenta, Burgandy, Purple, Fire Engine Red, Blonde, Black, White....did I miss any?
-- Stolen anything: No actually I've not.
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Strip Chemistry!
-- If so, was it mixed company: Yes, But I really don't think Strip Chemistry counts as a 'game', it was to help me study, and we didn't really take off clothes, more like top shirts, jackets, shoes, on...maybe pants once.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes
-- Been caught "doing something": No
-- Been called a tease: I don't think so
-- Gotten beaten up: Nope.
-- Shoplifted: Didn't you already ask this, and wasn't my answer NO
-- Changed who you were to fit in: No!
-- Age you hope to be married: 21,22
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2, 1 boy and one girl
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Different then the traditional, but romantic
-- How do you want to die: If I had the death penality and I got to choose how to die like in Utah or Washington, I could choose between Hanging, Fireing Squad, Lethal Injection or Electric Chair, I would choose Firing Squad. Because no matter what you are going to die, why not go out in a different way. The hanging, you don't die automatically, you can just break your neck, but you would hang there in pain not dead. Electric Chair, it takes 15 minutes and it's pain. Firing Squad, they just do it, and you die. Lethal Injection everyone does that! If I wasn't on death row, I don't want to drown or burn, that's about it, I'm open to anything else.
-- Where you want to go to college: I just visited the school in atlanta and it was cool, but I really want to go to NYC.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Mortician!
-- What country would you most like to visit: France to see my French PenPal, Marie, or Greece because I'm greek!
-- Best eye color? Cucumber green
-- Best hair color? brown
-- Short or long hair: If it's long, I really like wings, if it is short, it can't be tooo short
-- Best Height: taller then me
-- Best weight: Not crazy ass fat like 300 lbs, but something reasonable, and not to skinny
-- Best articles of clothing: Anything that is not like everyone elses clothes
-- Best first date location: I used to think the McDonald's to play in the playground, that would be crazy fun. Now I think somewhere romantic like some where that looks out over a city, on a very clear and warm night.
-- Best first kiss location: I've already had my first kiss and it was in the band storage room in high school...I would have perfered it to be by someone I actually had feelings for and not my best friends boyfriend. I didn't kiss him back, I kept pushing him away, it was a horrible first kiss for me.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: I don't really trust as many anymore, of course I trust Jo and Kristen, Sarah Melinda Emily, all my close friends. I don't trust my dad anymore, I trust my mom and brother still. And I trust Jason. I have a trust issue, it's not easy for me anymore.
-- Number of CDs that I own: A lot
-- Number of piercings I want: I already have 8. My eyebrow, 3 in each ear and one ear with the cartilage. I do want possibly my eyebrow again but maybe not.
-- Number of tattoos I want: I just want a star.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Probably about 8.
-- Number of cars your family owns: My car, mom's, dad's, tommy's, and the other shops car, so that's 5.