I feel alone. There's no one for me to go to, no one would understand. Sure, you think you do, but you really don't...it's always been that way. Even after LOTR, some of you claimed to understand how I felt. Nuh-uh, no way did you. To understand how I was feeling, you would have had to been forced into an uncomfortable situation by a good friend who didn't stop when he told you to and then betrayed by your best friend. No, I don't believe any of you understood that. And now...most of you don't even know what's going on, so how could you understand? Well, recently my now ex-boyfriend had someone else dump me for him. And I'm single again. Sure, I'm ok with it, but I want a boy. I'm tired of being lonely...I just want someone to love, someone who loves me. *sigh* The only boy I've ever kissed forced me into it and we weren't even dating. My frist three boyfriends used me to get something they wanted. My other boyfriend only lasted...five days or so. And then my last one had his friend dump me. I know I have no right to complain, people always say, "At least you've had a boyfriend!" But I'm lonely. And sick of it. Ahh well...people can be so stupid. Mostly teenage girls though. They find reasons that don't exist to criticize your looks, your personality, everything. It's ridiculous. I'm nearly immune to it now, it's easier to ignore after you've heard it since fourth grade. But seriously, if you have a problem with me and it bugs you so much that you have to talk about it, talk about it with me and not your friends. I don't want to hear my name flying around anymore.
If you are someone reading this who is planning on leaving a nasty comment or saying somthing nasty at school, don't. Think about this first. I may sound like a "drama queen with depression", but you probably don't understand it at all. I'm willing to bet that you've never locked yourself in a room and not known if you were going to leave it again. I have. Depression isn't all that rare. So many people have to deal with it, me included. And if you're thinking, "How can she be depressed? She's too happy!", have you ever thought that not everyone is what they seem to be? I learned that a long time ago, it's about time you did.