Title: 祭剑 · 蛾 (Ji Jian · Moth )
RELEASE DATE: 06/2008 1st Edition
PAGES: 48pg, b/w
FORMATE:6.5 in x 9 in; Softcover
SPECIAL: I got mine signed!
DA, I am not sure if the person taking the orders still have them in stock.
Overall Rating: 5/5
art: 5/5
content: 5/5
layout/packaging: 5/5
A story that takes place in Qing Dynasty. That's all I know. I have read it 2 times and I am still not sure if I understand the story. Partly, it's due to my insufficient knowledge of chinese language and the history behind that time. But nonetheless, the art was what you would expect from Liu Wei. Though this was my first time coming upon her comic style and I got to say, I was equally impressed with her level of detail in her b/w work as much as her color illustrations. The quality reflected the amount of work and effort she has put into it. I just couldn't imagine how long it took her to complete this beautiful doujinshi. Highly recommended for collectors who love beautiful art.