We are going to a party here: http://planetpizzaplano.com/ I am super excited because I love this place! Courtneys little friend from school is turning 5. Yesterday we had ANOTHER birthday party here: http://www.pumpitupparty.comRead more... )
We just watched the movie Inside Man with Denzel Washington. I recommend it. Now I have to go outside and try not to get eaten alive by mosquitos and pick up the slip and slide and a new kitchen table a friend brought by! Yay for free stuff and good movies!
So shawn got a flat tire on his way home. in the country. Ok i feel bad for him. but then he calls back after telling me he was going to change it and be home and this is the conversation that entails
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courtney is starting kindy on the 27th. it makes me sad. i have no control over what she does for 7+ hours a day. She is going to have this whole seperate life that I will only know about through her stories. Give me something happy to think of about this!