Hang in there and just keep plugging away at it. The week 2 slump is pretty frustrating to get through, but if you keep writing, you will get through it. Promise! You'll hit your stride again. :)
I'm still writing lol but it is slow (plus I kind of set a goal of 50,305 words :P just so that I have more words so that Nano doesn't go-- you are missing words :P).
I love doing the sprints but I find that I've loaded myself up with them and then I don't write myself :( I guess that I shouldn't do so many sessions...
And yeah, I suppose that I am going through some writer's block but I'm just writing my way through it (jumping between scenes that interest me and have my muse humming a great song :P) and yes, you are most definitely right about letting the characters take over but the thing is that they didn't want to do the middle of the story! I think that I've gotten them convinced now though ;P
I know about the music thing and it usually helps me too although I don't have character playlists, etc but sometimes, I just need to as you said it let the characters take me over and on occasion music doesn't allow that :/ it is a no win-no win situation at times.
And yeah totally agree about the sleep deprivation :( I'm going to try and go to bed early from now on.
Thanks! I really appreciate it :D Maybe sometime in the future I'll publish it on my LJ ;)
Comments 6
I love doing the sprints but I find that I've loaded myself up with them and then I don't write myself :( I guess that I shouldn't do so many sessions...
First of all, how are you?
And yeah, I suppose that I am going through some writer's block but I'm just writing my way through it (jumping between scenes that interest me and have my muse humming a great song :P) and yes, you are most definitely right about letting the characters take over but the thing is that they didn't want to do the middle of the story! I think that I've gotten them convinced now though ;P
I know about the music thing and it usually helps me too although I don't have character playlists, etc but sometimes, I just need to as you said it let the characters take me over and on occasion music doesn't allow that :/ it is a no win-no win situation at times.
And yeah totally agree about the sleep deprivation :( I'm going to try and go to bed early from now on.
Thanks! I really appreciate it :D Maybe sometime in the future I'll publish it on my LJ ;)
I love and misssssss you
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