WV: Quick Fic: Witching Hour

Mar 15, 2014 20:58

Title: Witching Hour
Prompt: The Witching Hour
Bonus? Yes
Word Count: 201
Rating: PG-13
Original/Fandom: Original
Summary: I had never believed all the myths about Witching Hour until one night.

I had never believed all the myths about Witching Hour until one night.

It was the bright white light that first woke me up. The light slowly began to become brighter as I watched. My bedroom grew colder and I started to shiver so I clutched my warm covers tighter. It didn't help as the room continued to get colder until I could almost see in the dark crystals of frost dangling from the bookshelf and desk. I didn't dare try and move, staying as still as I could.

In that very second, the ball of light started to transform into a humanoid shape. The light started to move towards me and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly hoping that it would just leave. Instead an icy breeze touched my cheek. I held my breath and silently prayed to God.

Then just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. No more white light and the temperature returned to normal.

I went back to sleep shaken but eager to forget what had happened.

In the morning, I found that my clock had stopped exactly at 02:00 AM. Right in the middle of Witching Hour.

This entry was originally posted at http://pinkphoenix1985.dreamwidth.org/958183.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

wv quick fic, witching hour

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