Title: The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Prompt: Crying Wolf and Vitamin B
Bonus? no
Word Count: 260
Rating: PG-13
Original/Fandom: Original
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): Character death
Summary: Jon loved to play dangerous games. He always got away with it until one day when he didn't.
When Jon was five years old, he had accidentally tripped down the last few steps of the grand staircase and landed hard at the bottom. His cry of shock had immediately brought his mother and father running to his aid. He wasn't badly hurt but nonetheless his parents spoiled him rotten for the rest of the day.
Jon discovered that he had enjoyed not the pampering but the fact that his cry had immediately brought his mother and father to his aid. So he started to play dangerous games ending with his having to cry out for help.
Once he climbed up onto the roof of his family's home and deliberately walked on the edge causing himself to slip. Another time, he played with his father's electric drill and managed to get his sleeve caught up in it. Jon got such a high from doing this that he would find something dangerous to do or attempt to do at least twice a day.
Until one day and a simple vitamin B12 pill. Instead of going down Jon's throat as he swallowed it down with some water, the little pink pill got lodged in his windpipe. Jon immediately started to choke and gasp for air.
His mother and sister were so used to Jon's antics of crying out for help that they didn't bother to get up immediately. They figured that it was one of his games.
Unfortunately for Jon, it would be the last time that he would cry for help.
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