Title: What Had Been and Will Never Be Again
Prompt: Void
The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
Bonus? yes
Word Count: 241
Rating: pg-13
Original/Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy movie
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): mentions of character death
Summary: Peter Quill reflects on his mother's present to him and the past.
With the others settled down for the trip to wherever they were headed next, Peter Quill headed to his bunk and took out the last present he had ever gotten from his mother. The plastic mixtape caught the light as he held it in his hands.
His heart squeezed tight as memories rushed over him. His mom and him laying on her bed listening to the boom-box on the dresser as it played his mother's favorite music. Her laughing no-so-in-tune voice singing along. His childish voice joining in.
A tear run down his cheek unnoticed so lost in his memories. For a long time, Peter just thought that he had the one mixtape to remind him of what used to be. Of Earth. But most importantly to remind him of her.
For the past 26 years, he had a void in his heart where she had once been. It had actually started the moment they had learned of her illness and grew bigger with each minute that was counted down to her death. When he was abducted by aliens, this same void swallowed up his heart's deepest desire which was to find a family and love again.
With Awesome Mix Vol 2, Peter realized that he still had his mother with him as she always had been, but now he had a family. A mismatched one for sure but they were his and that was all that mattered in the end.
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