P/N 6023920000drowning_edenJanuary 29 2005, 15:23:34 UTC
I really enjoyed it, even from first person. I actually think it works well in first person. I love your writing style, it's not over-kill. It has that blunt-ness and simplicity that you can actually understand everything you’re saying without having to psychoanalyze every other sentence. Also, the layout is very good, it flows very nicely. Only thing that I would say is "wrong" (if you even want to say that) would be give or take a few grammatical errors. Anyway, it's very good, regardless of you writing it at 2 a.m. I love it!
I enjoyed it very, very much. From one almost writer to another I think you should continue! Only because I will die of anxiety if I don't know where this will end up...though I might figure it out. He he.
im assuming that this will be a contuning story... im hoping so.. cause so far im very intrested.. but now we can only hope that the fellow in the story has some dreams (tehe).
This is constructive Criticism. Don't think I'm insulting you. Your story line and Plot is very good, and your ideas are clever. You need to figure out better wording for it though, because your sytactic maturity is lacking a little. It needs more flow, more style. The overall message/point is very good though. Interesting, too.
Comments 14
But you are going to have to suck it up for now.
--Your Bestest RP Gal =)
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