ugly me..
Me and Payton on easter<3
haha,i dont know why it makes me laugh!?
ummm,easter "eve" with me and my cousins,oh yeah and a dog we found..he wanders through are neighborhood,its pretty sad his owner doesnt look after him!!!anyways we named him Chuckody
very blurry,hair looks terrible...yuck!
well this one is my favorite of me!well i like the easter one too<3
Jena looks cute,me=u-g-l-y!my face is way oily.Well the flash made it look that way!
this ones okidee dokidee:]
awww,payotn feeding her kitty!
and last of all...dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
me,daydreaming,well dont i look stupid<3