[Filtered to Shiki, 60%]
You probably don't want to hear from me at all, but uh... I'm really sorry about last week. ...Honestly, I'm not really that bitchy normally, and I don't chase other people's boyfriends.
[Filtered to Neku, 60%]
Hey. ...sorry about all of that. You are a pretty cool guy, but... not my type. [which is partially a lie, but he's taken and she's smitten elsewhere so it still counts] Let's just be friends? ...Later, anyway. I don't think I should go anywhere near you for a while.
And, good luck with your girlfriend.
[mumbled, as though not realizing the audio is still on] Now I remember why my best friends are guys...
[Then, louder, back beside the book] Hey, the crazy guy who ran at a giant demon with a sword the other day. Are you all right? ...It looks like the building's back to normal already.