Interesting things heard in class. Though I suspect a lot of these aren't nearly as interesting if you weren't there.
Lauryn: "Are we watching another one of those stupid things you show us?"
Dix: "Yeah."
Kantaro: "I believe in Japaneseism."
me: "They should make a Spartans calendar."
Ted: "If only there were 365 of them."
"Finally she got demoted to teaching honors students." -Katie Whatsherface
Incorvati: "Why women?"
Emily Wendell: "Because they're dirty and bad."
Emily Wendell: "I'm on meds, so shut up!"
Mighty Joe Weeks: "Well, I'm not, and I'm more exciting!"
"You're not even close to the cornflowers at dusk. That's hot." -Drew
The EAS Gang
Chinese Philosophy a la JOM:
(Taoism) "I'm gonna improve myself so I can live forever."
(Buddhism) "I'm gonna improve myself so I can be enlightened."
(Confucianism) "I'm gonna improve myself so I can levy good taxes."
(on women in Disney) "I'm gonna prove myself, and I'm gonna find my soulmate."
"I can use the force, but I'm not gonna use it right now."
"Think of someone like Gandhi, or Huffman."
(on Korea) "Asia's Poland."
(on the Zen phenomenon) "Zen is the pinnacle of intellectual, really super-cool practice."
Bin Yu
Bin Yu: "Who is that guy who died?"
me: "Heath Ledger?"
Bin Yu: "Elvis."
The English Boys (and Mimi)
The Dixons
"I'm going to embarrass you a little bit...I want you to talk dirty." -Dix
(on Beowulf) "He has to kill the monster and make him stop eating his friends." -Mimi
"It's spring, and we're sprung!" -Mimi
Bobby D
(on Emerson) "Be your own person, goddamnit!"
(a Bobby D reenactment)
Emerson: "David, what are you doing in jail?"
Thoreau: "What are you doing not in jail?"
(as Whitman's brother) "Dear Walt, You seem smart enough. What are you up to? Love, George."
(on being an English professor) "They always say, to the man, 'Oh, I'll have to watch my grammar!' Like I give a shit about his grammar."
"If the borscht leads to something deeper..."
(on writing academic papers) "'Is it okay if I use I?' 'Yeah, use I, and use fuck!'"
"I thought, 'I need some narcotic support,' so I took a big hit of, if you're totally confused by the end of class, just think, 'He's stoned!'"
"Blah, blah, blah, Emerson, Puritanism, and then I take the Uzi out of my bag."
"There may be Bob the English teacher, but there's also Bob the rock guitar player...who I'm sure will some day emerge."
Incorvati relates "The Bacchae" to the song "City of the Dead" by the Clash
"Dionysus is kind of peddling pornography. 'You wanna watch? Huh? You wanna watch? Yeah, come one...I'll show you how you can watch...'"
(on escapism) "Are there any Dungeons & Dragons players here? ...Not that you all have lost your grip on reality..."
"Those flying dreams are described as ego trips, and I've had those flying dreams. Oh, they're good."
"You take acid because it changes your reality. I don't know - sometimes that seems like an alibi to not have a job."
"If you dream you had a duel with a dog in a laundromat...well, I've had that dream. It wasn't a dog, it was Jimmy Page."
(on Mesmerism) "Eight paces? Well, some of you are within my grasp!"
"Contra dancing. It's not communist."
"How do you trust an ugly person?"
"If beauty means morality, Hollywood has some explaining to do."
"I wanna play up the sexual bit a little more...because I'm sleepy and it keeps me awake."
"Either Blake's not smart, or there's something going on here. I'm not sure."
"If you really had an appreciation for the Spice Girls, would you admit that openly?"
"If you're getting tired of Yeats in his fanciful stages, don't worry...everyone got tired of Yeats in his fanciful stages."
(on Stephen Daedalus) "We have Stephen over here. He gets a wider hat, because he's wearing his Hamlet hat. Or a sombrero."
"Think how many pictures are taken of a baby with spaghetti on its head."
"You don't want to be a Joycian - they're weird people."
"The Modernists are all looking at 'The Wasteland' and saying, 'Oh, language is dead.' And Beckett is saying, 'Yeah, it is, but we can still poke it with a stick a little bit.'"
"All of Beckett's other characters are rotting from the inside. At least Murphy has a tie."
"The library should be a rave. Open the books and let all the characters dance and talk to each other."
"My mother cried. She still cries. It's really funny."
"You're English majors! You're wonderful at BSing!"
Maranda: "What personality did you get?"
Fitz: "Awesome."
Bobby, Fitz, and Incorvati for the win. I love me some professor boys. :D