Age: 24
Height: 166cm
Weight: average Japanese girl
Medical Info: Perfectly healthy, with evidence of some previous rough handling. She's probably got some minor scarring and a bit
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Physical traits: Nothing super notable! Minor scarring from general samurai-ness, usually wearing some kind of pink clothing.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: pretty much anything!
Abilities: Mojikara, samurai swording, calligraphy, tea ceremony, topping tsun boys.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Mojikara abilities seem to be related in some way to spiritual power, so she has a fair bit of that. She usually carrying around an Origami, which is a sentient mecha imbued with mojikara.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ping me so we can talk about violence and bodyswapping and etc. I don't mind fights, but she's a sentai and has wacky sentai fighting powers.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Okay! Her reaction is not guaranteed to be positive, but touching Mako is fine.
Maim/Murder/Death: please to ping me first! Her not-boyfriends will probably be pretty pissed about that.
Cooking: Yes but OH GOD NO. Mako cannot cook edible food. Whatever she makes may or may not cause illness.
Other: Mako is an always babysitter.
I am
aliothI play Shirashi Mako
Contact Methods: alioth @ gmail, omoidasu on plurk, possibly irc as Mako or [windowsill]
Timezone and Scheduling Issues: iiiii live in moontime!
Posting/Jumping/Thread-Dropping: please always jump me! and poke me if i drop threads. i am always willing to pick up, i just derp out.
Comfort Levels: i am comfortable with most things that are not noncon, mindfuckery, and death. if you think it might be an issue, ping me!
Concrit/OOC issues:
Essays and Memes: none yet.
Beta-ing: want?
AU-ing: possibly! ping me.
Final Comments: :Db