bored as fuck
A - Age: 18
B - Best Quality: I am funny maybe?
C - Choice Of Meat: cow?
D - Dream Date: sigh... if you know me well enought you would know my dream date <3<3<3<3<3
E - Ex (most recent): blank...
F - Favorite Food: ice cream
G - Greatest Accomplishment: graduating high school
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: 311 concert in 8th grade (lame)
I - Internal conflicts: um... yeah...
K - Kool-Aid: grape
L - Love: is for suckas
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: My CD's or my Pinkbear
N - Name: Jocelyn
O - Outfit You Love: My little black skirt, black shirt and my berks
P - Pizza Toppings: Pineapple<3
Q - Question you want to ask: Why are my boobs so big?
S - Sport To Watch: golf
T - Television Show: DEGRASSI!!!!!
U - Unique habit: Stacking ribs or chicken bones after eating them
W - Winter: cold
Y - Year Born: 1986
Z - Zodiac Sign: pieces
1. Kissed your cousin: not in a sexual way...this isn't west virgina
2. Ran away: yes
4. Broken someone's heart: no i don't think
5. Been in love: no
6. Cried when someone died: Yes
7. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have:YES
8. Broken a bone: Nope
9. Drank alcohol: yes, alot...
10. Lied: more than i should
11. Cried in school: i think once maybe...
12. coke or pepsi: pepsi
13. sprite or 7up: 7up
14. girls or guys: both equally suck
15. flowers or candy: i'm a sucker for flowers
16. Scruff or Clean shaved: depends...
17. Blondes or Brunettes: I am blonde, therefore me
18. Tall or Short: Tall
19. Pants or Shorts: Pants
20: What do you notice first: their cloths
21. Last person you slow danced with: um...maybe raph at prom
22. Worst Question To Ask: have you ever even tried to loose weight?
23. Showered: about two hours ago
24. Had a great time with the opposite sex: Monday night <3<3<3
?? WHAT IS??
25. Your good luck charm: my
26. Person you hate most: lets see there is a brother sometimes...
27. Best thing that has happened to you today: i had a wonderful dream, i woke uo only two hours ago...
28. Color: PINK!!! wow!
29. Movie: gone with the wind
30. Book: Catcher in the rye
31. Subject in school: ART
32. Juice: PomWonderful
33. Cars: 59' pink caddy
34. Ice cream: sweet cream
35. Holiday: birthday
36. Season: fall (for weather, hate going back to school)
37. Breakfast Food: pancakes
?? WHO??
38. Makes you laugh the most: katelin/ivis
39. Makes you smile: boy
40. Gives you a funny feeling when you see them: boy
41. Has a crush on you: ?
42. Do you have a crush on: boy
43. Who has it easier... girls or guys?: Guys they can pee standing up
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: Katelin
45. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all day: not all day.
46. Save AOL conversations: Yes
47. Save Emails: yes
48. Wish you were someone else: i am awesome i wish i was myself
49. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: When i have to pee in the woods
50. Cried because of someone's mean words: yes
?? BEST??
51. Cologne: 212
52. Perfume: Chanel Chance
53. Kiss: hahah PETER!!!!
54. Romantic memory: ?
55. Most recent advice given to you: "be who you want to be" some graduation bull shit
56. Fallen for your best friend?: No.
57. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: maybe
58. Been rejected?: Oh yes
59. Been in love no
60. Been in lust?: Yes
61. Used someone?: Yes
62. Been used? yes.
63. Cheated on someone?: no
64. Given away a gift someone gave you? yes
65. Been kissed?: Yes
66. Done something you regret? OH YES!
Who was the last person...
67. You touched?: Danielle
68. You talked to?: my brother
69. You hugged?: danielle
70. You instant messaged?: emily
71. You kissed? my mom
72. You yelled at?: My mom
73. You laughed with?: danielle
74. Who broke your heart?: ?
75. Who told you they loved you?: ?
Do you...
76. Color your hair? Yes
77. Have tattoos? yes
78. Have piercings? Yes
79. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? No
80. Own a webcam? No
81. Own a thong? nope they scare me
82. Ever get off the damn computer? sometimes
83. Habla espanol? ?
84. Quack? Ye?
Have you / do you / are you...
85. Stolen anything? Yes
86. Smoke? yes
87. Obsessive? Yes
88. Compulsive? yes
90. Obsessive compulsive? yes
91. Panic? Sometimes
92. Anxiety? sometimes
93. Depressed? yes...
94. Suicidal? sensitive topic...
95. Obsessed with hate? No
96. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? not that i remember at least
97. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? whoa this is fucking weird
98. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? in my bed asleep
99. Can you do anything freakish with your body? i can put my feet behind my hear
100. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: Lips
101. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president/prime minister?: YES
102. Would you marry for money?: yes
103. Have you had braces?: Yes
104. Do you pluck your eyebrows?:no, i get them waxed
105. Do you like hairy backs?: eww no
106. Could you live without a computer?: yes
107. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc...?: aol/aim
108. IF so how many people are on your list(s)?: 86
109. What is your favorite place to visit?: Sedona, AZ
111 Are you photogenic?: sometimes
121. Do you dream in color or black and white?: both
113 Are you wearing fingernail polish?: on two nails
114 Do you have any dimples?: yes
115 Do you remember being born?: no
116 Why do you take surveys?: Because I'm bored.
117 Do you drink alcohol: on occasion
118 Did you like or do you like high school? i hated it.
119 Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunsets
120 Do you want to live to be 100?: No
121 Is a flat stomach important to you?: Oh shit i don't care
122 Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: yes
123 Are you loyal?: I would like to think so
124 Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: if they arn't stupid
125When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: Off
126 Do you have nightmares frequently?: No
126 Do you like your nose?: I dislike it.
127 Do you think you can draw well?: eyes
128 At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: 5
129 How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: 10000000000
130 Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: My BIRKENSTOCKS!!!!!
131 Do you write poetry?: Not really
132 Do you snore?: Yes.
133 Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: stomach
134 dog/cat? cat
135 Do you lick stamps?: Yes
136 Do you use an electric can opener?: no
137 Have you ridden in a hotair balloon?: yes
138 Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: Emotional, your physical pains heel, emotional pain is there forever it feel like
139 Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: Yes
140 Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: Piano
141 Do you know someone who has cancer?: several, ITs genitic in my family
142 Do you like to argue?: Yes haha
143 Do you hunt?: no
144 Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: homecooked food
145 Do you have a middle name? Yep
146 Are you basically a happy person?: not really
147 Are you tired?: all the time
148 Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: yes
149 Have you ever met anyone off the Internet?: no
150 How many phones do you have in your house?:too meny...
151 How long is your hair?: chin lenthg
152 Do you get along with your parents?: on the most part
153What color of eyes do you prefer?: bule
154 Full name: Jocelyn Marion Elizabeth Stone
155 Were you named after anyone?: My middle name.
156 Do you wish on stars? all the time
157 Which finger is your favorite? thats kinda gross....