(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 23:17

who was the last person you talked to on the phone? MARY
who was the last person you talked to in person? GRANDMA
who was the last person you talked to online? SEANNNN
who was the last person you hung out with? TIFFANY
who was the last person you took a picture with? UMM RANDEE LAST NIGHT!
who was the last person you danced with? CRISTINA!

what was the last thing you ate? WHEAT THIN CHIPS
what was the last thing you drank? WATER
what was the last thing you did? MEE TOO!
what was the last place you went? OUTISDE
what was the last movie you saw? YA I DONT REMEMBER....
what was your last phone-call about? UMMMM I REALY DONT REMEMBER
what was your last Instant Message about? KALEB MAKING ME AND TIAFFANY DINNER NEXT WEEKEND!

where did you go yesterday? SCHOOL, ROP, VANS
where are your parents? NO PARENTS
where do you keep your diary? IN MY PINK BACKPACK
where are you at now? MY ROOM
where were you last week? SCHOOL, VANS, TIFFANYS, THATS ABOUT IT
where were you the day 9-11 accured? AT WARNER MIDDLE SCHOOL
where do most of your relatives live? CALIFORNIA, SPAIN, OTHER PLACES.

when was the last time you showered? LIKE A HOUR AGO
when was the last time you wrote in your blog? UMMM..DONT KNOW
when was the last time you hung out with your cousin? CHRISTMAS SHE IS AWESUME
when was the last time you took a bath? I DONT REMEMBER
when was the last time you brushed your teeth? LIKE 15 MIN AHO
when was the last time you were at the mall? YESTERDAY
when was the last time you were absent? SCHOOL? LIKE TWO WEEKS AGO...

why are you taking this survey? CUZ I HAVE NO LIFE TONIGHT HHA
why are you online? SOMETHING TO DO!
why did they invent pencils? CUZ THEY INVENTED SCHOOLS
why are there such things as "magnets"? why do you think? YA DONT CARE

how old are you? 17
how many siblings do you have? 1
how many rooms are in your house? BEDROOMS- 4
how many pets do you have? 0
how many TV's do you have? 4
how many computers do u have? 1
how many friends do you have? 5
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