Crowley and The Wifelet Author:
pinkyapples Fandom/Genre: Supernatural, Crack-fiction
Characters/Pairings: Crowley, The Wifelet (OFC), mentions Castiel, Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Bela Talbot, minor OCs
Rating: Pg-13
Word Count: 10 907+
Warnings: Language, Adult themes
Author's Note:
This was to have been posted alongside the Official CrowleyBigBang 2013 stories but real life threw my artist and self a whammy. There may or may not be art to accompany the story posted later. In the meantime here's my effort.
I couldn't have done this without my fabulous Alpha Flowerpot 65, who has braved all manner of Crowley type sabotage in helping me bring this frivolity to life. You patience and encouragement mean the world to me. To
verucasalt123 for her Beta'ring and help with American terms many thanks. Any uncaught typos are all mine - it's hard not to want to 'tweek'. :)
Hope you read and enjoy this offering as much as I enjoyed writing it.
“That’s it! Enough of this micro-management bollocks, there must be somebody here in Hell intelligent enough to handle the day to day details.” Crowley fumed silently, and getting up from his desk, walked out of his office and through Hell to find himself a personal assistant. “What I need is somebody reasonably intelligent with a strong sense of self-preservation, but not overly ambitious. A Poodle would probably be best, unfortunately, I don’t speak dog,” Crowley mused as he perused the endless line of souls...
What he gets is The Wifelet, a soul so full of domestic frustration he wonders whether he'll survive... Unadulterated crack, ridiculous plot and almost as fluffy as a Unicorn.
Supernatural characters and dialogue used are not mine (thank god for SuperWiki transcripts). Original characters are mine. How Spn characters and OCs are used here is for the purposes of entertainment and not profit. Don't sue, not worth the lawyers fees.