Conrad the Barbarian - prt 1

Jan 28, 2014 11:30


”From what Skinny and Two Bob have gathered, plus the bit of eaves-dropping we’ve been doing on the conmen, looks as if this man Conrad is trying to cause PTSD. Not sure why and haven’t worked out what angle Meg would be running.” Sam was on the phone to Bobby. Bringing him up to date on what Nate Ford and his team of conmen were doing and the possible connection it had with reported demonic activity at Mossman Research Facility.

“I got a few theories about her angle, none of it good. Been able to find out a bit more about Conrad though. He’s a nasty piece of work, even without Meg. How long do you think it will be before the conmen are finished with their job?” Bobby asked. Sam thought he heard someone speaking to Bobby.

“Couple of days, Bobby. Somebody there with you?” Sam asked.

“Rufus, he’s got a job east of here, grabbing a few things. That reminds me, you want Feathers up there? Could come in handy, given the demon,” Bobby said. Sam heard Rufus shout out a greeting before there was more mumbling between the two men and then the sound of a door slamming.

“So, what do you reckon? Put a call out to Feathers?” Bobby’s question interrupted Sam’s thoughts, as did the door opening and Dean walking into the room.

“Um, yeah, wait Bobby, Dean just got here,” Sam said, putting down the cell down on the table and Bobby on speaker.

“Dean? Thought you were homeless?” Bobby asked.

“Yeah, I was. Things moved bit quicker than we thought. One of the conmen got made. Whatever they’re doing will be going down tonight or tomorrow. Also, they know we’re on the job,” Dean answered.

“How the hell-? Dean, why would you tell them?” Sam asked.

“You idjit! Why’d you do that for?” Bobby asked at the same time.

“Jeez, keep your pants on, both of you. I just told their hitter that we were after the same bad guy, a different job, and that we should meet, talk. What you think I did? Tell him about demons? Oh, yea of little faith,” Dean replied, mocking them a little. “I stink. Gonna take a shower and then we’ll talk.”

“Feathers? Sam?” Bobby’s voice prompted from the tabletop. Dean turned back to look at Sam.

“We wondered if we should call Cas. Might help,” Sam tentatively mentioned.

Castiel spent most of his time searching the world for some sign God was still interested enough in humanity to help. So far, the search had been in vain. He had not abandoned his charge, Dean, or his promise to help them find another way to defeat those who wanted the Apocalypse to play out. But his absence weighed upon Dean more than he’d ever admit.

“Let me shower first. I’ll think about it” was all Dean said before closing the bathroom door.

“Sam? You still there?” Bobby asked.

“Yeah,” Sam said.

“Good. I’ll be up there as soon as I can. Now, where you staying?” Bobby asked and Sam gave him the motel’s address before hanging up.

While Bobby was readying himself for the long drive northwest to Boston and Sam waited for Dean to finish showering, the conmen were finalising the finishing touches on their con. Det. Grayson sat privy to the planning, nursing a gin and tonic and focusing hard on ignoring the illegality of what they were about to do.

“This won’t come back on you.” Nate’s words cut though her thoughts.

“Says you.” Grayson arched an eyebrow.

“No, we’ll make sure,” Nate said, and for a moment Grayson believed him.

“We need you there to make it believable. Not that I don’t make a great policewoman, but Zilgram won’t be able to play the ‘set-up’ card if an officer of the law is present at his confession. Real or imagined.” Sophie explained.

“Look, Detective, doesn’t matter what you think. Zilgram will never stand trial for murder while those who protect him value him. We’re gonna take that away from him. You being here is just politeness,” Spencer said. “Now, can we get on with it?”

Parker and Hardison joined the group. Hardison was moving a little slowly after his run-in with Travis’ goons. Parker had arrived at the lecture room they’d taken him to just as they were beating him good. For being a little thing, Parker could pack a punch when she wanted to; especially with two chair legs in her hands. Anyway, she and Hardison were making their way out of the room when Spencer had met them. He’d helped Parker walk Hardison off campus and gotten them a ride back to McRory’s.

“Right, well, simple enough, really. We’ll dress-up on of the basement labs as a police interrogation room. Sophie and Det. Grayson will use the video to rattle Zilgram into a confession. Meanwhile, with Hardison’s help, we’ll make sure Conrad sees the whole thing. He’ll withdraw protection and then Boston PD will arrest Zilgram and he’ll go to jail. Simple,” Nate concluded.

“Simple?” Grayson rather doubted it would be that simple, but if it got justice for Mr Schaevel and other homeless veterans Travis Zilgram and his co-horts had hurt, it would have to do. “Alright, I’ll wait for your call, Sophie.” With that said, she got up and left the bar.

“Why, Sophie?” Parker asked, oblivious to the fact of Det. Grayson’s preferences. Nobody bothered explaining to her, they just got on with preparations. When the others had drifted off, and before he left to set up the sting, Eliot drew Nate aside and told him about Dean and the possibility of another con running concurrent with their own.

“And this Dean, that’s all he said? Different job, same bad guy?” Nate asked. Eliot nodded.

“You think it’s Zilgram?” Nate asked.

“No. No, I think it’s to do with the experiment. Interrogator maybe? Maybe Conrad?” Eliot shrugged, “Either way, he said we needed to talk and I think he meant you, me, the team, needed to talk.”

“Okay. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Go do your thing, and try not to injure Zilgram. He’s going to have years of rough treatment by burly men if this goes according to plan,” Nate said.

Eliot laughed at the image of Zilgram in prison and left the bar.


Meg surveyed the gathering with barely concealed boredom.   Conrad was mingling, enjoying the impression he made upon his other alumni. Usually, Meg, enjoyed the attention her present meat-suit garnered. But she had a schedule to keep and Conrad’s ego was starting to get on her nerves. It wasn’t necessary for him to be at this particular alumni party, a gathering of older ‘Dustmen’, as they liked to call themselves, and new pledges. Some nonsense about mentoring the new members. Meg cast a disparaging look over the new members. Average, all of them, including Conrad’s pet; Zilgram. With a sigh she turned back to Conrad just as his pet came up speak with him.

“I’m really happy with the new members this year. I think that we’ve got a good batch,” Travis said, another Dustman and partner stopped briefly to talk with him and Conrad.

“Wonderful to see you, Brad. Thanks for stopping by,” Travis said. “You know Mr. Conrad of course, and this is Meg.”

“Good to see you again Mr. Conrad. Meg, this is my fiancé Mia,” Brad said, making the introductions. “I haven’t seen Sam. You told him about tonight?”

“Yes,” Travis said a little sourly. He’d hoped to introduce Sam to Conrad. Obviously though, Sam wasn’t the Dustman material he'd thought. “Some kind of family trouble, he had to go home. Pity.”

Brad and Mia nodded in insincere agreement and excused themselves. Conrad watched them go without comment. Meg, curiosity getting the better of her asked Travis about Sam. Maybe there was some potential amongst Zilgram’s ‘batch’ after all.

“Sam? He’s a scholarship, usually we don’t accept them but I thought he showed potential. Father was a marine. I figured he’d understand the importance of duty and loyalty. Apparently I was wrong,” Travis said without interest.

“He didn’t have a brother by any chance?” Meg asked keeping her tone as bored and uninterested as possible.

“Yes. Had a brother. Something about being a hunting enthusiast, I’m really not interested in him anymore,” Travis replied, his tone a little on edge. He wanted to speak privately with Conrad. His girlfriend of the moment must have taken the hint because she excused herself and left them alone.

“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Conrad asked.

“Mason’s got it under control now, but I’ll get you the details later. When are you going to show me around Mossman?” Travis informed Conrad.

“We’ll have enough subjects once your experiment is concluded. Mr. Jones seems particularly impressed with Veterans 4 and 5. He thinks they will make for excellent base-line subjects. Attend to your guests, Travis.” Conrad said. He liked Travis Zilgram, but the death of Mr Schaevel hadn’t gone unnoticed and until that posed no threat to him and his research, Travis would have to be content working at the University.


While Travis was playing host to the various new members and alumni of the fraternity, preparations for his downfall were being made. Just as Nate had described earlier at McRory’s, and with the help of the other veterans, Eliot and Sophie were transforming one of the empty basement rooms into a realistic facsimile of a police interrogation room, complete with two-way mirror.

Det. Grayson and Sophie, together with Mac the marine and another veteran, both dressed as Boston PD, drove over to Zilgram’s fraternity house. Parker and Hardison were already there, keeping a watchful eye on Zilgram and Conrad. When Conrad’s girlfriend excused herself, Hardison gave the all clear and the two ‘policeman’ approached the entrance and knocked on the door. One of the students opened the door and stood back to allow the policeman into the room. One of them looked about the room and then said, “We have a warrant for the arrest of Travis Zilgram.”

Travis looked stunned. Turned to Conrad with an uncomprehending expression and began to push his way to the back of the room. He left his glass on a table by the back door and exited, just as the officers were moving through the crowd looking for him.

Travis exited the building, straight into the path of Det. Grayson. “Boston PD. Up against the wall,” Grayson said, grabbing Travis and pushing him up against the wall. Sophie, sidled up and injected him with a slow acting barbiturate.

“I’m gonna be out in an hour, so why bother wasting my time?” Travis said, oblivious to what Sophie had done.

“Because it’s fun! Obviously,” Grayson said humourlessly.

“So much fun,” Travis scoffed as Grayson dragged him away and pushed him unceremoniously into the waiting police car.


While the drama of Travis’ arrest was playing out in the common room of his fraternity house, in the downstairs bathroom, Meg was having a mini-meltdown. “Bloody Winchesters,” she fumed to herself while re-touching her makeup. They were a thorn in her side and she was getting sick and tired of them coming between her and the rewards she so richly deserved as a Lucifer loyalist.

She didn’t know what games they were playing by going after Zilgram and his wannabes, but at least the undergrads' ignorance meant she had the upper hand. She’d have to move up the program Conrad was overseeing at Mossman. Twenty-four primed bodies would have to do. At least they were all used to following orders and with the mind games Conrad and his interrogator Mr Jones had put them through, they would be too weak to fight possession.

She took out her cell and dialled. It would be much easier to speak directly, but she hadn’t time to complete the proper ceremony. The phone went straight to voicemail. “We need to move now. They’re here,” was all she said and hung up. With a last minute look at her reflection, Meg left and returned to the party just as Nate Ford was coming up to Conrad.

Conrad smiled vaguely as Meg rejoined him. A man approached him, behind him came a young man and woman. The young man had the look of one who’d been in a fight.

“Mr Conrad?” Nate asked.

“What the hell happened to you?” Conrad asked Hardison, ignoring Nate for the moment.

“I have a message for you, Dustman to Dustman,”Hardison said holding out a 206 pin. “One that somebody didn’t want me to deliver.”

Conrad looked from Hardison to the pin and back again, “Meg, darling, would you excuse us. I’ll have Parker drive you home.”

Parker opened her mouth to protest but Hardison jabbed her in the side before she could speak. She was about to ask why he did that, then saw Conrad’s girlfriend greet another distinguished looking man in a chauffers uniform. “Oh, gotcha,” she whispered to Hardison.

“If you would come with us Mr Conrad,” Nate said and moved to Hardison’s side, taking his weight from Parker. “Thank you my dear, you should stay and catch up with your friends.”

Parker looked at him blankly for a couple of seconds before she got with the program and, with a shrug, left them.

Conrad nodded and followed Nate and Hardison. They entered the Psychology department through the back door and walked downstairs towards the fake police interrogation room where Det. Grayson and Sophie were busy playing good cop, bad cop with Zilgram.

Conrad found himself accompanied by several police officers. He paused for a moment, looking into the room and meeting Travis’ eye before being led away into the adjoining room. He could see Travis, but Travis couldn’t see him.

“What’s Zilgram doing here?” Conrad asked.

“Experiencing firsthand the Prisoners Dilemma,” Nate said. “Your protégé got sloppy. We were called in.”

Conrad didn’t say a word. Meanwhile, Travis was being shown video of the homeless vets being subjected to beatings by the undergrad guards. This came courtesy of Nate having Hardison wire the veterans' coats with hidden button-cameras.

“What am I doing here?” Travis asked. His head felt foggy and his eyes grimy, like he’d been asleep.

“Good! You’re awake” Grayson said.

“Pay attention,” Sophie said, turning on a TV. Travis saw himself and other students entering the cells and beating several homeless veterans.

“Where’d you get that?” Travis asked, an edge of panic in his voice.

“It doesn’t really matter, does it? We have it. We have lots of it.” Sophie said, turning off the TV.

“It’s not gonna do you any good. See, I’ve got friends in places so high, you don’t even know they exist.” Travis said, but he wondered if that was true given he’d just seen Mr Conrad walk by, surrounded by police. A small bead of sweat formed on his forehead.

“Are you talking about Mr Conrad, Travis? We arrested all your friends, all your little Dust bunnies,” Sophie said, thoroughly enjoying her role as ‘bad’ cop.

“Brothers,” Grayson corrected.

“Whatever. You do bad things long enough, eventually it catches up with you. Even in America,” Sophie continued playing her role.

“Mr Conrad’s in even more trouble than you are. Unless he starts handing people over, he’s going down the hard way,” Grayson added, enjoying watching this over-privileged prick squirm.

“I suggest you beat him to the punch. Unless you think he’d rather go to prison than throw you to the wolves.” Sophie said and folded her arms, satisfied with her performance.

Grayson gave her a small smile of acknowledgement and waited for Zilgram to say something. Conrad, watching the performance through the two-way mirror, in the adjoining observation room did likewise. He was already thinking how to extricate himself from Zilgram when the boy spoke.

“I made recordings. Phone calls, meetings, every interaction I had with him - hours of it. What would I get for that?” He blurted out.

“Well, we’ll talk to our boss and get back to you,” Sophie said and left the room.

“Sign of good faith,” Grayson said, unlocking Travis’ handcuffs before leaving the room.

In the observation room, Conrad watched without expression as Travis revealed he’d made copies of all their meetings. Obviously, the boy had no clue who he was dealing with, Dustman or not. Conrad made a subtle study of those around him. He’d have to learn more about this team of grifters. They could prove themselves to be either of benifet or a nuisance to him.

“Impressive,” he said at last, turning to Nate, “but what is it you want from me?”

“Withdraw your protection. Let the system do its work. Let him stand trial for the death of David Schaevel,” Nate said, his eyes still on Travis.

“And what makes you think he’ll go to trial? Once this charade becomes public knowledge, you’ll have lost your leverage,” Conrad pointed out.

“No. Nobody’s supposed to be inside today, building’s being fumigated. Anything Travis says about all this will be put down to being under the influence of pesticides. Det. Grayson isn’t the officer in charge and the warrant is valid,” Nate said, not really caring if Conrad believed him or not.

Conrad looked at Travis for a second or two before leaving the room without further word. Travis had eventually gotten tired of waiting for the officers to return and was now trying the door. Finding it open, he made his way up the corridor and outside.

He stumbled down the steps, past a banner saying the Psychology department was closed due to fumigation. Travis looked at the banner in confusion as the last of the drugs Sophie had given him earlier took effect. He collided with several students before stumbling onto the green outside the building.

A police siren rang and Travis turned in confusion towards the sound. He tried to run, but was easily caught by one of the officers.

“Travis Zilgram?” one of the officers asked.

“Let’s just talk,” Travis said.

“Turn around, please,” the officer said, grabbing Travis and marching him over to the police car.

“What are you looking at?” Travis shouted at a couple of onlookers.

As he was seated in the police car, he looked back up towards the Psychology department and saw Hardison and Eliot standing side by side Parker and Sophie. Something like real panic showed briefly on his face before he was driven away.

“You really think he has hours of tape on Conrad?” Hardison asked.

“If he does, he won’t for long,” Nate said matter-of-factly.

They took down the banner and adjourned back to McRory’s. The Experimental Job had officially ended. At least their part, now all they had to do was wait for justice to be served upon Travis Zilgram.

prt 2

reversebigbang2013, character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester, character: bobby singer, character: castiel, character: meg

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