Title: Ain’t That a Kick in the Head
pinkygoldfishRating: G
Characters/Pairing: Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey, implied Neal/Sara
Spoilers: 2.15 - Power Play
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1300ish
Summary: “That … is not what I expected you to say.” Post-ep for 2.15
Story )
Comments 14
Anyway, so clearly I did need to see the episode to really get this--having said that, I really like how you wrote the conversation, including all the details of what both the guys were doing as they talked.
You soooooo need to watch White Collar!!!! Then read fic lol. Here, you can start HERE!
Oooh, also, I have a Star Trek fic rec for you, hang on, I'll email you :)
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