Title: Birthday Parties and Princess Castles
Main Pairings: QMi, ShiMin
Side Pairings: EunHae, Hanchul, KangTeuk
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Summary: It's Sungmin's 3rd birthday and his parents have something special planned.
Other Fics in this series (They don't need to be read in order, but things will make more sense if they are):
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 A/N
Read more... )
Comments 65
thank you omma :3
i love youuuuuu~ ♥
I love you too bb~
I have no way to gauge how much a kid talks at a certain age. I was around a 3 year old that talked a lot. Not to mention that I started talking at 6 months, so kids maybe talk more in my mind than normal? lol
Ok. Breathe in. Breathe out. Ok. I really want to quote the whole thing ugh stop the feeling stop itttttt you're killing me and my poor heart.
Ugh forgive me for this totally incoherent and doesn't make sense comment but this series(?) is my favourite and ugh I thought that the last installment were the last chapter in this series what sorry I don't even make sense oh figures it's almost 4am here damn I need sleep ANYWAY I love this to bits ugh EVERY. SINGLE. THING.
I actually had this planned out for a long time, but I was working on graduating college, so it was put on hold. I'm not sure when or what the next one will be, but I do plan on having more :3
though i have to say, min telling heechul he was pretty made me laugh XD “Like Cindah-ella!”
(i may or may not have been stalking this series >.>)
(I am totally okay with this kind of stalking)
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