Title: The Big One Rating: PG Summary: “So was this your first earthquake?” Notes: Set during the Academy years, as described in “Stone and Anvil.” Calhoun/Shelby UST. Possible bad science.
Yeah, he was Shelby's boyfriend until the end of their first year at the Academy. (And if you have to ask me what happened at the end of their first year, I'll know that it *really* has been a long time since you read the book. ;) )
Very good, but then again your fics usually are! :D
Although, I always got the impression that Wex was supposed to be English, from the few hints that we were given in Stone and Anvil, about his accent and the swearing. Anyone else think this, or am I reading far more into things than others? :)
Huh. I always thought that Wex was just doing it to sound cool or different or something. He always sounded a little over the top to me. But there are kids at school who fake accents, so that's probably why I immediately thought that.
I'll post your question on stnf and see what everyone thinks!
Comments 10
I know not in a literal sense, just go with me here...
Although, I always got the impression that Wex was supposed to be English, from the few hints that we were given in Stone and Anvil, about his accent and the swearing. Anyone else think this, or am I reading far more into things than others? :)
Huh. I always thought that Wex was just doing it to sound cool or different or something. He always sounded a little over the top to me. But there are kids at school who fake accents, so that's probably why I immediately thought that.
I'll post your question on stnf and see what everyone thinks!
It was just the comment about his having an accent like Picards (French my arse!). I do agree though, he was so OTT at times it was just annoying.
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