Title: His Own Shadow - part II
Author: pins_and_wheels
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Warning: AU, dark, non-con, beta-less
Length: 40k and growing, 4k here
Pairing: Kai/Taemin (main), Key/Taemin, one-sided Minho/Taemin, Jinki/Taemin
Summary: Taemin loses a part of himself he doesn't know how to hold on to.
A/N: Part II, still shapeless - if anyone wants to tell
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Comments 4
I'm so interested in where this is going! I wonder if Kai is the part of himself that he's lost and so very curious as to which part that is exactly. And then there's the dream in the first part made me think he wasn't human. Then there's his sudden lack of grace, his delusions, the creepy part with his mother because that's never happened before, despite their closeness.
Oh and what do you want to know about lj? I don't see any problem with your posting so far. ^^
i'm flattered you remember those other fics, even though i'm still very iffy on my smut-writing abilities. i forgot about those corresponding fics to 'lips don't lie' - i wrote a few. i'll look them over and if they're decent i'll throw them online.
this story is getting more and more ontae as I work through the second half of it, so hopefully that will work for you :) next two parts offer some clarity, i think. but that only means there's less guesswork and more just like, general whatthefuck?
and okay, i'm glad the lj formatting isn't screwed up. i was pretty sure i was doing something wrong, but maybe it's in my head.
thanks again for the comment, really!
thank you for commenting - i really appreciate it!
i'm going to update soon :)
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