1. Name: Darcie Leigh
2. Age: 15
3. Birthdate: January 1, 1991
4. Sign: Capricorn
6. Occupation: Student
7. Pet Peeve: Nagging
8. Fave foods: Cheese, pickles, pretzels
9. Fave colors: Green, orange
10. Fave movies: Ella Enchanted, Spirited Away
11. Fave day: Weekends in general
12. Fave Animals: Bats
13. Fave Holidays: All
14. Fave T.V. Shows: Grey's Anatomy, Totally Spies, Family Guy
15. Fave Actor: Johnny Depp works
16. Fave Actress: Angelina Jolie
17. Hottest Guy: Dunno
18. What You've Been Listening to Lately: My head
19. Friends: Gina, Alana, Alex -- Gwen, Rae, Pnutty, Shae, LJ, Druid, Shati, Sary
20. Fave Hangout: N/A
21. Fave sport(s): N/A
22. Fave Thing to do: Read, tv, internet
23. How far have you gone?: I haven't
24. My most embarassing moment was: Too many to bring up just one
25. The wackiest thing I did as a kid: Don't go there
26. Biggest rumour about me that wasn't true: See above.
27. Have you ever had your heart broken?: No
28. What are you wearing right now?: Blue "National younth service day 2005" shirt, shorts
29. What is the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you?: People have said a lot of mean things.
30. Are you in a relationship right now?: No
31. Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
32. Beach or Snow?: Beach
33. Rainy or Sunny?: Rainy
34. Square or Circle?: Circle
35. Dark or Bright?: Bright
36. Left or Right?: Right
37. have a best friend: Yes
38. have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
39. speak another language: Yes
40. drive: Yes
41. have a car: Not yet
42. Who was the last person you talked to online? Pnutty
43. Who have you known the longest? Uhh, Pnutty :P
44. Who do you talk to online the most? .. >.> Pnutty..
45. Who do you talk to on the phone most? Nobody
46. Who do you trust the most? Pnutty.
47. Who listens to your problems? Pnutty
48. Who do you fight with the most? Generally if I fight with them a lot, they're not my friend; so nobody.
49. Who is the shyest? None
50. Who is the nicest? Shati
51. Who is the sweetest? Sary
52. Who is the funniest? Gwen
53. Who is the most outgoing? Gwen
54. Who is the ditziest? Man. Tie between Shati and Sary
55. Who is the best singer? No idea.
When was the last time you...
56. met someone new? Dunno. School
57. had a serious conversation? This morning
58. went to the mall? Ages
59. went to the movies? Ages
60. smoked weed? Never
61. got drunk? Never
62. had sex? Never
63. Are you talking to anyone online? Kinda. Haven't talked in a few mins
64. What are you doing? Sitting here with my headache
65. Are you lonely or content? Yes
66. Are you listening to music? No
67. Who is your worst enemy? Myself
68. Who do you cry to most often? My mom
69. What is your favourite perfume scent? yuck, perfume. Asthmatic here
70. Favourite school subject? History/Social studies
71. Least favourite school subject? Math or PE
72. Who will understand you the most? My mom
73. Who was the last person that broke your heart? No one
74. Who is the love of your life? No one
75. to disappoint you? Katie
76. to ask you out? N/A
77. to make you cry? Katie
78. to brighten up your day? No one comes to memory. It's been a while. Maybe those kids that said hi to me in the street today
79. that you thought about? Alex (the conversation I had with him this morning)
80. you went to the movies with? Gina and Emily
81. you went out on a date with? No one
82. you talked to on the phone? Mom
83. you talked to on AOL? AIM? Katie
84. you saw? Mom/Dad
85. ever slept outdoors? Yes
86. cussed someone out? Yes
87. thought about suicide? Not seriously
88. stayed up for 24 hours? Yes
89. swam in the rain or snow? Yes
90. gotten drunk? No
91. gone a day w/out eating? No
92. talked on the phone all night? No
93. been in bed w/the opposite sex? No
94. smoked? No
95. made prank calls? No
96. been in love? No
97. slept all day? Yes
98. killed someone? No
99. been out of the country? No
100. told a girl/guy you loved them? No
101. if yes, did you mean it? N/A
102. gone skinny dipping? No
103. kissed someone you didn't know? No
104. thought you were going crazy? Yes
105. threatened someone? Yes
106. done anything sexual with a member of the same sex? No
107. asked out a member of the opposite sex? No
108. finished one of these surveys? Yes