More WoW Babble

Aug 05, 2009 16:01

Alright. So I cut myself off last night, just before level 10. I'm the type of person who would just power level and never stop if I don't set goals or tell myself that I'm going to get off for the night when I get to Town X or Level Y. I mean, I have 6 (almost 7) lvl 60s over on lotro because leveling comes easily and omg new shiny skills. Taking baby steps with WoW or I'll soon be staying up past my bedtime.

I know that with level 10 I get a new form. Yay my cow will get to be a bear. It sounds really silly, but if I'd actually hit level 10, rather than stopping 2k exp before, I'd have stayed up an extra hour playing with it. Now I get to go home and hit lvl 10 right away and be like 'Glee'!

I do still need to organize a couple raids for the kin over on lotro, as soon as people sign up, so I'll have to do a bit of bouncing back and forth. Oy.

Anyway, I'm taking this time to record my nooby moments for posterity. I've been playing lotro soo long I don't remember most of my stupid noob mistakes and misconceptions so.

*I arrived in Thunder Bluff (that's the town name, right?) last night. It took me the longest time to figure out how to get up there. I saw the ramps that lead up to the elevators but the three times I ran up to them the elevators were both up. So I'd run up onto the platform, up one side, around, and down the other like wtf is the point of these ramps and platforms? Then I continued around the other side of the city and repeated the same process on the other side. Three times I ran up the ramp, around, and down the other side before the timing worked out and the elevators came down while I was there to notice them. *Facepalm*

--And the city is way too much like CG for those of you who're familiar w/ lotro. Too soon, guys, too soon. At least it's a lot harder to fall off and die here.

*Ooh, my first instance like thing. Firesomethingorother Cavern. I dunno what level the instance is, what it entails, what my role in it all is supposed to be, or whether it's just a solo something. Should I be trying to do it or just skip it?

*Which reminds me, I had a couple level 80s running around with me one-shotting everything the first night, which was nice in that it made the really shitty drop rates a little less annoying, but irritating because now the drop rates are even MORE annoying. This is because they, being lvl 80, nomnoming all my exp. So the quests I had left were above my level, making the mobs I needed to kill a bit of a pain in the ass if I pulled more than one. So it took longer to kill things and complete quests which meant I got to grind to catch up a bit, but it was a good learning experience.

lol, right? Like there's so much involved when you're a lowly lvl 10, but I'm kinda squishy if three things are after me. Still, no way it should take this long to get the first few levels. Ah well.

*I also got my first item which starts a quest. Yay?
*And still haven't found the person to teach me herbalism, but whatever.

Anyway, I paid to upgrade last night, but it could take up to 72 hrs to authorize it. -_- So I am still trade and AHless. But soon.

But eh, work paid for the upgrade, so it's all good. ;] Yay for free money.

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