Jan 18, 2013 22:23
Thacker E. After Life - 1250 руб.
Markus G. Zizek S. Mythology, Madness, Laugh. Subjectivity in German Idealism - 1100 руб.
Grant I.H. Philosophies of Nature after Schelling - 1360 руб.
DeLanda M. Philosophy and Simulation. The Emergence of Synthetic Reason - 960
Larulle F. Philosophies of Difference. A Critical Introduction to Non-Philosophy - 1100
Churchland P. M. Matter and Consciousness - 1080
Churchland P. M. Plato's Camera - 1460
Karatany K. Transcritique on Kant and Marx - 990
Shaviro S. Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, and Aesthetics - 1200
Brassier R. Nihil Unbound. Enlightenment and Extinction - 1100
James I. The New French Philosophy - 950
Malabou C. The Ontology of the Accident. An Essay on Destructive Plasticity - 650
Harman G. Prince of Networks: Bruno Latour and Metaphysics - 950
Speculative Turn. Continental Materialism and Realism - 950
Negarestani R. Cyclonopedia - 800
Zizek S. Organs without Bodies. On Deleuze and Consequences - 1270
Malabou C. The Future of Hegel. Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic - 1270
Meilassoux Q. After Finitude. An Essey of the Necessity of Contingency - 800
Harman G. Circus Philosophicus - 500
Badiou A. Being and Event - 900
Latour B. Science in Action - 1260
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