Due to the positive feddback on the
suggestion post, letś do this!
You give me a prompt. I´ll write you one, but in turn the next person will ask a drabble from you and you will write it. The next person will request a drabble from that person.....and so on and so forth.
So, B gets a drabble from A, C gets a drabble from B, D gets a drabble from C...
and to include your fabulous artists, doodles are also allowed!
- Only request a prompt if you are willing to deliver yourself
- Don´t request a new prompt before yours is finished
- drabble, doodle, etc - just do it!
- if a person is absolutely not comfortable with the prompt they´re given, ask kindly for another one
- drabble has to include at least one of our boys, the other end of the scale is open to you
Axo was first with "Crank Calls", so...
Disclaimer: DC Property, not mine
Prompt: Crank Calls by axo
"Hello, is your refridgerator running?"
"JJ, I know it's you - we have caller ID. Stop this while I'm still in a fairly good mood."
"Good mood equals drunk. right, Lenny?"
"No....itś the kind of drunk between senseless rage and amused irritation."
"Mick, get off my telephone line!"
"Gee, you bicker like an old married couple with at least 4 kids!"
"We are no couple!"
"Mick and Lenny, sitting in a tree- Ouch! Piper, what did you do that for?"
"Ohhh, trouble in lover's paradise, JJ?"
"That's not funny, Mick! You' re just jealous because we're on a romantic cruise for our honeymoon and all you guys do is getting drunk in front of the TV!"
"What's bad about getting drunk and watching TV? You just have to watch the right stuff..."
"I will not grace this with an answer. Piper, to the swimming pool!"
"...I think he hung up, Len."
"Huh....why are you still on the phone, Mick? Get your ass down here on the couch!"
In Keystone, Leonard Snart and Mick Rory were sitting on their old couch, watching TV and definetely not gazing out of the window to watch the sunset while tangling their hands together.
A few hundred miles away, JJ landed with a big splash in the swimming pool of the enormous cruise and drenched Piper with water while the sunlight glistened on the identical two golden rings on their fingers.
.....wow, first drabble since a long time.
So, next course of action:
Either give me a prompt and start multiple threads or go and bother axo with a prompt and continue this thread.
(and now I'm off.....still in library and class in 5 minutes -.-
See you in a few hours)