"Ian McKellen, famous for his role of Gandalf, the wizard from The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Alfred Molina of Spider-Man 2 will be joining Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou in The Da Vinci Code, according to Variety
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I have to read this before seeing it.. but it sounds like the movie will be good.. cause I mean really who doesn't love Ian McKellen and Audrey Tautou.. Tom Hanks is pretty awesome too.. I've only seen Molina in SM2.. so yeah
ahh i see.. i've heard from a lot of people that it's really good.. my mom read it and wasn't a huge fan but that's just because she didn't like the stuff that made far fetched claims about Jesus.. i don't know.. I didn't read it so I can't say.. but I plan to
i hated the end! and i hated how dan brown's books all are practically teh same just a different plot but almost the same characaters and turning point...stupid!
YEAH ME TOO! The writing is like reading a script.It screams MAKE ME INTO A MOVIE PLEASE! I love his two books;angels and demons and dan vinci .. haven't read the others though.Doesn't interest me much.
Comments 13
and yay for the Toronto website :P
i like angels and demons better though.
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