do you ever feel like what we call real life / is not so real

Jan 02, 2013 17:45

Happy New Year, friends! May 2013 be a better year for you, in every respect, than 2012 was. (I feel this is a good wish to make for everyone, regardless of whether your 2012 was stellar or crappy.)

My 2012 was ... meh. I can't really call it a bad year, I guess. No one close to me died, I didn't have to deal with any financial or health problems (though I did make an unnecessary trip to the ER for a numb toe in June, and getting those bills has been a laugh and a half, let me tell you), and there were no easily-quantifiable Negative Life Experiences to speak of. But I kind of feel like I zombie-shuffled through an entire 12 months without realizing it. It seems like just last week when I was looking back on 2011, and making resolutions for 2012 and vowing that this would be My Year, the Year In Which I Would Be Amazing And Make Good Shit Happen! And ... then I went to work, came home, ate dinner, went to bed, repeated that cycle a handful of times, and now here we are.

Of course this is more based on my gut feeling than on anything concrete. In fact, looking at all the typical Markers of Success on which people usually judge their lives, I suppose it was a positive year. I went from traveling to Plano, Texas every week (yeesh) to working in Chicago and sleeping in my own bed at night. I got a promotion at work and a fairly impressive raise to go along with it. I moved to a better apartment in a nicer neighborhood. I traveled to places I'd never been before, including Thailand (on my birthday!), Vietnam, Singapore, and China, and even squeezed in a return trip to Bali. So ... not too shabby? On the other hand, I've gained weight and am horribly out of shape due to poor diet and no exercise, and I made zero progress on the dating front. Win some, lose some. (It's telling, I think, that I feel no desire to mention anything fannish here. Yeah, I watched some shows and movies. Whatever. It's barely a blip on the radar.)

2012 seems slightly less boring and uneventful now that I've written about it, heh. But mentally and emotionally, I'm probably in the exact same place as this time last year. I suppose what I really want is to feel like I'm actively swimming, with a goal in sight, rather than just aimlessly drifting with the current. Even if the current is not unpleasant and there's no danger of being carried over a waterfall. It's not enough to just ... exist. Is that odd?

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