look at those vic'd out eyes..you can barely tell I've got pupils!
lookin' possessed at the haunted house appropriately enough.
dancing queens. watch out now.
pimpin' ain't easy ya heard?
and by the end of the night..yikes.
Red Sox rolling rally day suckaas. We forgot to get a group shot, but ooh well. next year
Tremont street / Boston Commons crowd:
Heather & I w/our poster
and onto the rally itself:
Dropkick & Papelbon / Okajima:
and last but never least: Helloween, one of my favorites :D
Tony had hands down best costume..but didn't win the contest. stupid Broketown.
I love that I make the most stupid faces.
snarling? eh, whatever..I need to find a job that will let me have hot ass hair like this.
As far as life goes there hasn't been a lot of change around here.
The two major things being that I interviewed for a job last week but haven't heard back yet so I'm assuming I didn't get it since I was told they would notify by Friday. And the second is that I've pretty much decided I'm not continuing school. At this point in my life there hardly seems to be a point to it. Yeah I'm young so everyone tells me to go while I'm young, but I don't have a career figured out and have used Business Management as the new Liberal Arts (don't know what you want to do in life? take business..it's gotta have a use somewhere right?) and I'm just not happy when I'm going to school. Right now I need all the happiness I can get. Surprisingly, neither of my parents flipped out when I told them of my decision and dad as always seemed to totally understand where I'm coming from. So unexpectedly, it's been a non-issue which is a huge relief.
As far as work goes, I find out on Wednesday (supposedly) if I need surgery or not. So until Wednesday morning the job search is yet again on hold because if I do need surgery I think I'll stick to just doing temp jobs until I have the surgery and am fully healed. If I don't need surgery then I'll start looking for full time jobs again like I have been.