have you ever bit into a peppercorn?
I mean like you're munching away on your delicious mac and cheese with the ground pepper on top cause you like the ground peppercorns better than that black/brown pepper powder shit. But apparently you didn't grind it enough... and you bite into a big piece so now all you taste is pepper?
yeah that's annoying.
and now on to the topical rant that has nothing to do with pepper...
Alright so there are a lot of phrases out there.
Most of them are worth as much as a welcome mat to a homeless person.
But every now and then everyone ends up saying something that has some value to it... but half the time, likely more often than that, people are so ignorant- they don't understand what they're saying.
And the worst part of peoples' ignoramus-ness is that they don't give a shit!
Nobody EVER seems to question anything anymore! Alright, so you've got your emo little whiners who are all like "why am I alive?!" but that about it. Besides the one in 8 million people who is a "deep thinker" and is all like "what is the meaning of life?" Which at this point- let's face it. It's not really a deep question anymore. It's just overdone. Like those lame-ass survivor series... I say just throw all those damn bastards on some fucking god-forsaken island and release a mad serial killer among them. THEN SEE WHO "SURVIVES!" That's the only way that show could earn some life points back.
But this topical rant is not about reality TV, either.
I've already done one of those!
And I won't be accused of doing one again!
So back to this rant.
Now that I've established that which needs to be understood to proceed with this rant-being that among thousands of shitty things people say all the time, there's the occasional word of wisdom society has to offer... HOWEVER! cause we're all fucking dumbshit couch taters, nobody knows what they mean when they say anything anymore- I shall go on...
Here's a phrase you've all heard before:
"bros before hoes"
There are a lot of implications to that.
It seems silly to analyze it- But I have nothing better to do at 3:55 in the morning...
So this is what I take it to mean:
Don't forget your friends because of some silly girl. (or some stupid boy for that matter)
relationships are so rocky these days.
If you're in an amazing relationship than more power to ya! And don't take that for granted cause, you're a lucky person.
But don't ever let that get in the way of your friends.
I'd hate to see anyone lose an amazing friendship over something so superfluous...
I'm not saying don't pay attention to your relationship.
What I AM saying is don't NEGLECT your friendships...
And sometimes that's hard, cause you may think you're doing okay with a friend and think they don't feel replaced or forgotten because you still chat and nothing's really changed.