FULL NAME: Ba'astkioni Ijaba
TALENTS (In Order of Importance): Witch, Bard, Cook.
BACKGROUND: Ba'astkioni, to put it short, is a mutt. Her father is Azizan, and her mother a short-tempered, headstrong Mkwelian-Gryp skilled in the art of magic. While unable to call a specific country her home, she grew up with a strong sense of who she was and took pride in her heritage. She regarded the knowledge and skills passed down to her through her parents as incredibly important, and studied the ways of her people diligently while fostering her own interests and beliefs.
When, unlike her older brother and sister, Ba'ast began to show particular skill with magic, her mother began teaching her how to harness that power and put it to use. Not only was she taught magic from such an early age, but also the fine dance, song, and cooking of the Azizan relatives of her father. Ba'ast was a quick and eager learner, and easily balanced her lessons with her budding interests in history, mythology, reading, and exploration. If there was a book Ba'ast could get her hands on, it could be considered read and memorized by the child.
Because of her father's nomadic heritage and her mother's curiosity, Ba'ast's family was constantly on the move. It was because of this that time and again they managed to avoid harm and slavery by those so eager for power they invaded the lands of Aziza and Mkweli. Throughout her travels, Ba'ast came familiar with much of the world and its inhabitants. She was quick to make use of reading materials documenting the histories of these new places, and with her knowledge of the world around her, her grasp on magic only strengthened. At the age of 14, not only had she mastered the control of water, but she had started to perform the rituals of the stronger magic.
There are dire consequences for a ritual gone wrong, though-- a fact Ba'ast came to learn the hard way when her baby sister Amisheh, just shy of three years old, wandered into a ritualistic circle during an incantation. In a flash, the child was gone. To where, no one knew, but for months the family blamed Ba'ast's carelessness for the ordeal. Ba'ast, grief-stricken, swore all magic off.
Eventually, her family made its way to Jahi Town for what was supposed to be a two-week stay at most. While there, however, Ba'ast fell in love with the lifestyle of the pirates. When offered a position as a crew member on the flying ship, Nimirum, Ba'ast all but jumped at the opportunity. Never before had she seen such a breakthrough of engineering, and to be given the chance to not only study it, but travel the world in search of treasure and new land was nothing short of a dream come true.
The decision she made in Jahi Town was the hardest she'd ever made. As much as she loved her family, she couldn't see herself forgiving a decision to pass the Nimirum up. At her mother's assistance, and after a few lectures and a tearful goodbye, Ba'ast bid her family farewell, and left with them the majority of her gold. She promised to return some day with enough gold to secure a permanent, safe home.
It was shortly after joining the crew that she began to forgive herself for the disappearance of her sister. While she did not go back to performing magic, the thought often sparked in her head. Oh, it would be so much easier if I did this.... Steadfast in her decision, she relied on her skills as a bard and cook to aid the crew of the flying ship-- a crew she would come to view as her own family.
PERSONALITY: Her mother's head-strong nature is definitely one of Ba'ast's more apparent attributes. She is stubborn to a fault, and incredibly opinionated and short-tempered. One wrong word can send her off into a screaming fit. She's down-right mean at times, and very often sarcastic. She'll say what's on her mind and not think twice about it, and can and does often flirt with men and women alike. She is (apparently unabashedly) sexual and has no sense of personal space.
Despite this, she is not at all an unpleasant person. She admires a good sense of humor, and is incredibly loyal, though slow to build friendships. Ba'ast is very fond of children, probably in part due to the guilt she still feels over the loss of her younger sister, and is often drawn to them. While she does not play super nice with the majority of children, she still treats them far kinder than adults. The select few children that Ba'ast comes to adore are usually showered with affection she very rarely shows anyone outside of a very small group of friends.
Her obvious bookish nature aside (she has a whole room of books, and several others strewn about the house, many of which are handwritten [some by her,]) Ba'ast is also fond of collecting trinkets, and can become fascinated with little things for extended periods of time. She is known to collect feathers and pretty rocks, as well as peculiar artifacts, and gives them as gifts to those she cares for.
She does not often become attached to people. Aside from her family, who she is no longer in contact with, and her crew, of which only one other member survives now, she has made very few close, personal connections. In fact, she's not used to them. Growing close to someone is usually an awkward period for her, and difficult to get through.
More ♥s = More Love~
*s = Deceased, but made enough of an impression to be mentioned here.
Alphonse Elric ♥♥♥♥ // Al has been there for her for ... well, as long as she's been on the island. With Apollo gone and Edward restarted, there is no one she is closer to, and no one she cares more for. She loves him, for sure, but how much, she still doesn't know. She knows it will be hard to move past Edward, but Al might be the key to an easier transition.
Apollo* ♥♥♥♥♥ // Apollo is Ba'ast's last surviving crew mate-- and she might as well be her sister. She's a drinking buddy, a sparring buddy, a pirate buddy, and a let's-go-kick-ass buddy. Of everyone in Rivelata, Apollo is one of the very, very few people Ba'ast fears losing.
Chataya // As far as Ba'ast is concerned, Chataya can drop herself off a cliff. Or have Ba'ast do it for her.
Edward Elric* ♥♥♥♥♥9001 // There are no words. I promise you.
Edward Elric (vers. 2) ♥♥♥ // Ed restarted. She knows he's not the Edward she fell in love with, but it's hard to let go.
Jam // Can also go drop off a cliff somewhere. She hates the asshole with a fiery, burning passion that is very hot. Seriously. Bastard needs to die.
Jan Valentine ♥♥♥♥♥ // If "broship" was a word used to describe a totally awesome and totally weird and super strange kind of buddybuddy relationship, that would totally be what Jan and Ba'ast have, and he would totally be her brofriend. He's always around in the obnoxious kind of way, especially when she seems to need someone. Really loud. Really, really annoying sometimes. Really pointy teeth. Murderous, cheating vampire of a bastard. But she forgives him because he's totally just Jan and Jan is Jan and she adores him.
Leonard McCoy* ♥♥♥ // Is all kinds of awesome, and apparently a damn good friend.
Nimirum Crew* ♥♥♥♥♥ They were her family. :( She was willing to sacrifice herself to bring who she could back from the dead.
Nina Tucker* ♥♥♥♥ // Ba'ast loves Nina very, very much.
Maes Hughes* ♥♥ // He was strange, but very kind. She respected him as a friend of Roy's but ... She couldn't help being just a tad creeped out by his scoping her out as wife material for Roy.
Roy Mustang* ♥♥♥ // Roy was there to grab what Edward refused to (namely, her.) He was great fun, and super exciting. Ba'ast honestly grew very fond of him. It was his last moments in Rivelata that struck her the most, however. It's not every day a man risks his life for you.
Roy Mustang (vers. 2)* ♥♥♥ // :)
Rukia Kuchiki // Rukia and Ba'ast spend most of their time screaming at each other, although that has cooled off quite a bit lately. They are capable of getting along, but only for brief periods of time.
Sylar ♥♥ // Is pretty damn okay, as far as she is concerned.