State of the Newman

Apr 15, 2007 22:12

Ah, livejournal. You're like the dorky friend I've abandoned as soon as I fell in with a more popular crowd. But I still care for you, and when my new friends, realize what a big nerd I am, I'll come ingratiating myself into your favor again ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

porphyre April 16 2007, 03:00:18 UTC
I fell into Facebook when I discovered it will run your LJ as a feed of Notes for you.


punctum_punctum April 16 2007, 03:01:48 UTC
Ah, livejournal. You're like the dorky friend I've abandoned as soon as I fell in with a more popular crowd.

Hahah, that's exactly where I'm at too.


cataptromancer April 16 2007, 04:00:55 UTC
Good to see you in person!


piratehead April 16 2007, 13:56:02 UTC
Yes, it was a blast, and your paper was very enjoyable. Did you manage to find some folks to keep on keepin on with? Sorry to ditch you-- it would have been a very small and boring affair for you, consisting largely of encouraging an extremely nervous friend (she's defending today).


cataptromancer April 16 2007, 14:08:09 UTC
The feeling of blastness was mutual, and thanks so much for coming to the paper (you have no idea how nice it was to see a friendly face among the intimidating strangers).

And really, I completely understand. I actually ended up quickly realizing I was exhausted (amazing what several weeks of forced-march dissertation work can do) and barely got back to the hotel before I fell asleep. The next day I spent grading chaucer papers to make way for more dissertation work. Yahoo!


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