(no subject)

Nov 09, 2003 15:26

I hope this isn't too long for you but i stole this from actofcompassion.

In The Last 48 Hours, Have You:
01. Cried: yes.
02. Bought something: yes.
03. Gotten sick: no.
04. Sang: mmmhmm.
05. Eaten: yes.
06. Been kissed: no.
07. Felt stupid: yes. it happens too often.
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: yes.
09. Met someone new: yes. but it wasn't one of the good meetings i wanted to do.
10. Moved on: no.
11. Talk to an ex: er. no.
12. Missed an ex: no.
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: no. unfortunatley not.
14. Had a serious talk: no. but i think i might like one right about now.
15. Missed someone: yes.
16. Hugged someone: yes.
17. Fought with your parents: yes.
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: yes. but it was a funny dream. it was the nice kind.

Social Life
01. Best girl friend: i have about 2 or 3...
02. Best guy friend: J.
03. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none.
04. If no, current dating partner: .......
05. Hobbies: riding. dancing. singing. making.
06. Pager: no.
07. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: mostly i am a wallflower. but i guess there could be some occassions when i'm not.
08. What type automobile do you drive: i don't have my own.
09. What type automobile do you wish you drove: a mini. a really pretty one.
10. Would you rather be with friends or on a date: i don't know. right now i'm thinking friends.
11. Where is the best hangout: there aren't too many round here worth writing home about.
12. Do you have a job: yes.
13. Do you attend church: no.
14. Do you like being around people: i do. but only if they're nice.

01. Have you known the longest: J.
02. Do you argue the most with: my mother.
03. Do you always get along with: the majority of my friends.
04. Is the most trustworthy: I don't know. there's a few.
05. Makes you laugh the most: oh they aaaaaaaaall do.
06. Has been there through all the hard times: I don't know.
07. Has the coolest parents: Jo.
08. Has the scariest siblings: haha. errrrrrrrr.
09. Is the most blunt: ?....
10. Is the smartest: Anna.

01. Who is your role model: I don't know. someone who got somewhere from scratch. i can't explain what i mean.
02. What are some of your pet peeves: people breaking promises. and not caring about them too.
03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: yes. havn't most people?
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: oh yess.
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: not really...
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): i don't know. i'm sure i have at some point.
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: probably.
08. Would you rather be dumper or dumped?: neither. that's a horrible question.
09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship.
10. Want someone you don't have right now: yes. I don't know. kind of.
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yes.
12. Do you want to get married: yes. probably.
13. Do you want kids: yes.
14. Do you believe in psychics: I would have to sit and think about that for hours before coming up with an answer.
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: no.
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my .... lips.
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: oh um. oh i don't know.
18. Are you happy with you: no. is anyone?
19. Are you happy with your life: it depends on whose i am comparing it to. i think overall it would be unfair to say i'm not.
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: um. i don't know. i want to be happy with myself.

[ Current Clothes ] stripy pajama's, fcuk top (oooh yeah) and a black jumper.
[ Current Mood ] happy because forest gump got jenny back.
[ Current Music ] nothing.
[ Current Taste ] i have a burnt tongue.
[ Current Make-up ] none. oh i have lip balm on??
[ Current Hair] i have bed hair. haha.
[ Current Annoyance ] the toilet is like way across the hall.
[ Current Smell ] noodles.
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] doing my work.
[ Current Desktop Picture] a picture i drew of 3 friends and i as pirates. .
[ Current Favorite Artist ] i have a few.
[ Current Favorite Group ] see above.
[ Current Book you're reading ] ready steady go.
[ Current CD in CD Player ] i don't think there is one i'm afraid..
[ Current DVD in player ] high fidelity.
[ Current Color Of Toenails] pink and white.
[ Current Refreshment ] water.
[ Current Worry ] that i wont have all my work done in time.

First best friend: Georgia.
First real memory of something: being in a pram with my brother talking to me.
First car: none.
First real kiss: err. 12 or 13.
First break-up: i don't know i don't want to think about it.
First job: stable girl.
First screen name: I can't remember.
First self purchased album: oh haha. wizard of oz sound track. i still have it.
First pets: felix. freddy.
First piercing/tattoo: ears.
First credit card: i don't have one.
First true love: i wouldn't like to say.
First enemy: i have no idea.
First big trip: i can't remember. i've been travelling all my life.
First play/musical/performance: my first ballet performance when i was about 5.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: tracy chapman.

Last cigarette: a couple weeks ago.
Last big car: .....
Last kiss: i don't know. probably at a party a week or so ago.
Last good cry: a couple days ago.
Last library book checked out: a nick hornby book.
Last movie seen: forest gump.
Last beverage drank: water.
Last food consumed: noodles.
Last crush: J.
Last phone call: my brother.
Last tv show watched: uh. a fashion thing i recorded.
Last time showered: a couple days ago. i know it's disgusting.
Last shoes worn: slippers.
Last cd played: no idea.
Last annoyance: getting home later than i wanted to.
Last disappointment: um. the dance show was cancelled.
Last soda drank: diet coke.
last ice cream eaten: i don't know. i havn't eaten ice cream in ages. now i want some bad.
last time wanting to die: that a horrible question. i don't know. a few weeks/months ago?
last time scolded: earlier on for being late this morning.
last shirt worn: fcuk pink one.
last website visited: hot_fashion community?

9 things you're looking forward to:
- re-decorating my room.
- wearing my new coat on monday.
- making my new skirt later.
- getting to wear my newshoes on monday.
- spending birthday money next week.
- starting singing again.
- celebrating a friends birthday.
- having a serious talk.
- driving whenever i can.

8 things that you wear daily:
- undies.
- clothes?
- hair products.
- pajamas.
- anna sui perfume.
- slippers.
- a necklace.
- earings times a few.

7 things that annoy you:
- early mornings.
- people thinking they're better than you.
- people that think they can be mean for no reason.
- my untidy floor.
- not understanding something.
- feet.
- failing.

6 things you touch every day:
- telephone.
- toothbrush.
- hairbrush.
- hair irons.
- keyboard.
- lipgloss.

5 albums you currently want:
- i
- cant
- think
- right
- now

4 things you do every morning:
- go to the toilet.
- drink something.
- do my hair.
- take inhalers.

3 movies you could watch over and over:
- forest gump.
- the pianist.
- high fidelity.

i didn't want a number 2 and i didn't have a number one.

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