Title: A Suit and Tie Type Thing, Chapter 5
Author: Piratelf
Rating: PG
Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Genre: Gen, Het, Narco, JavaJunkie
Disclaimer: I do not own the Gilmore Girls Characters. No money will be made from this work. I'm really not worth suing, honestly.
Beta: Nadnewraid
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narcoleptics Author's Notes: I've tried to be consistent in
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Comments 19
YAy Dean wasn't in the accident and he's so sweet!
I'm working on Chapter 2 of Downpour, DON'T WORRY! :P
Nope, he wasn't in the accident! I hope you forgive me for leading you on! ; )
I'm working on Chapter 2 of Downpour, DON'T WORRY! :P
*LOL* It's a lot easier to ask for updates than to write them, isn't it?
I forgive you. Although I wanted to actually see what would have happened if he was and Luke worrying...and of course Rory and Lorelai, LOL.
Yes, it is!
I feel bad because I can't write pages and pages of stuff and make chapters longish. My other fanfictions for my other NARCO stories -- the chapters were really short and the story was completely rushed and ...weird and I said I was going to write more and I just ended it. LOL Like it said complete, but the last chapter said that there was going to be more. lmao.
Oh my God, don't feel bad! Most of my Taken In stories are tiny little things and definitely don't really end! They just kind of stop. *LOL* That's how it it with writing.
-squeals like mad woman-
loved this chapter!! Seriously, like LOVED!
I went overboard again didnt i...oh heck it was worth it
I'm so happy you liked the chapter, I was a little worried how it would be received since Dean wasn't really in the accident.
So, thank you!!!!
Dean: I had to save a woman and her two children from freezing to death!
Richard: That's no excuse for being late.
As my dad would say, Wotta prick.
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