Title: The 10,951st Day
Author: Piratelf
Rating: R
Fandom: Supernatural, specifically episode 4.10
Spoliers: Episode 4.10 Heaven and Hell
Summary: The reasons Dean finally agreed to get off the rack.
Disclaimer: Supernatural and it's characters are not owned by me. I make no money from this.
WARNINGS: Uh, it's about Hell. Kinda dark.
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Comments 17
good thinking. (from you and Dean both).
But he _have_ to feel guilty. Any person coming back from hell and remembering tormenting others should feel guilty - or they probably were already demons. Demons don't feel guilt.
It's good that Dean does.
Guilt is the big problem, isn't it? Because anyone would, or as you say, should, feel guilty for having tortured others, so even though Sam might say, "It wasn't your fault" he knows that if it had happened to him he would feel guilty too. It's so easy to put one's self in Dean's place and so hard to try to live with it.
Thanks again!
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