Title: Home Sick, Chapter 5, Taken In 'verse
Author: Piratelf
Rating: PG
Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Genre: Gen AU
Disclaimer: I have no claim upon Gilmore Girls or any GG characters, or any characters stolen and re-molded from any other television shows. I have no medical training and very little medical knowledge. No offense meant to Christian
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Comments 10
I WANT ONE!! -bouncy- he's too gosh darn adorable, poor him having to eat swishy liquid =[
Dean wants candy!!..or at least he should, cause mann its good. (i think i sounded a bit like dr suess there..-worried look-)
ily, you like..rule xoxox
No such thing as too eager!
I'm afraid the cute Deans are on backorder but your name is on the list. ;)
I want candy!
I'm so glad you liked this part! Thanks so much for commenting!
Thanks for reviewing on FF and commenting here! That is so sweet of you! I'm really happy you're still enjoying the story!
Rory: Dean, you are now officially with us for the duration.
Dean: I like the sound of that.
(They start making out. Lorelai walks and taps Rory on the shoulder.)
Lorelai: Hey, Angelina Jolie? Stop kissing your brother for a minute.
I have the fic which takes place right after the fire in the works, and Dean and Rory beng under the same roof is a consideration. But it's mostly a Gilmore Girls logic, Stars Hollow-type turn of events, like when the Inn burned and the ONLY place in town for Lorelai to sleep was Luke's. Or Mrs. Kim never looking into Lane's closet until she's in college.
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