10 minute ramble - BUSY

Feb 16, 2009 17:00

I realized lately that I have not been around, but much has happened.

1. Wisdom teeth removed Jan. 19

2. (ex)Boyfriend drama including roomate/best friend and her boyfriend since Christmas Break


4. Started individual therapy Jan. 13 due to not having anyone to really talk to because everyone thinks I talk about them behind their backs, so now I'll tell a therapit about them and I know that it's confidential. People are so damn paranoid it's ridiculous, which I guess involves me, seeing as I'm in therapy now because I feel so ganged up on by my best friend! Tuesday mornings at 10.

5. Group therapy as of Feb. 12. My individual conselor reccomended it for my self-esteem issues, and I actually love it after only one meeting. Thursday mornings at 9.

6. Nutritional counselling/ food intake consultation as of Feb. 5. After losing 50 lbs. last year successfully due to the gym and a healthy diet, I have no desire to do either anymore and have been terrified of overeating. And when I say overeating, I mean like eating more than 200 - 300 calories in one sitting with four hours in between. I know it's not healthy, and it's because I overexercised last year, going from 195 in August 2007 to 145 where I currently sit at 5'6". Getting it taken care of before I go home for summer and panic where I have no gym or good food to keep the diet up. Want to lose 10 more lbs!! Ugh! Thursday nights at 6 typically.

7. Going to NYC for 4 days March 2 - 6 with Lindsay (bestie/roommate), Phil (her bf), and Nick (my friend since my second day of college ever). Lots still working out on this. Having a meeting with them later about making an itinerary and reserving parking garages.

8. Got a concussion this past Saturday night Feb. 14 and went to the hospital for it. Wasn't allowed to present at my English Undergrad Conference today and build my resume. Thank you, foam dart gun battles.

9. School work. Three notebook entries for BritAm Lit, Workbook podcast script for French, three blogs for Harry Potter class, and research on movies & television for a 4-8 page paper and a one-page paper on text messaging inhibiting the development of our social skills for Comm due by Wednesday.

10. Working on stuff for original writing ideas. Need to send questions tonight about Mio, MI to a kid over Facebook that lives there since I have no means or time to get there, been wanting to go through phonebook and write down interesting last names I can keep for characters in later projects, trying to develop three or four different story ideas with no titles at all. One about the NFL, one about lying to your parents in college for your own happiness, one about old classmates becoming rival teachers at their old high schools (well, that one has a working title), and one about the fun and bullcrap drama surrounding high school musicals (not the Disney one - have never seen it, hate it, and am thoroughly annoyed with it. I'm talking about musicals your high school puts on and those who are involved usually have a blast).

11. Need to do lots of research still for these stories, like the process of how the media sets up on the sidelines of the footbal field, the town of Mio, MI, ect.

12. Practice and learn a book of music for an Easter cantata for a friend's church group. It's his first time conducting a group and he's relying on me to be a strong alto since we went to high school together and sang all the time together, so I've got to get on that!

13. Boots. I can say no more at this time.


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